The Blade Trinity Dilemma

I have to put it out there. I’m not happy that I am going after Blade this week. I feel this is back pre 12.0 where you had the perfect block teams as well as the trinity team back then of SW, Doc, Thor. Instead now it is Sparky, Blade, GR.

I think I know the pattern and where this will eventually go: nerf and realignment of power in a future update. But, for now, my hands are tied because curren state forces me to go for Blade for AW, end content, and alliance reasons.

Good luck to all, and I mean most all, of us going for Blade this week. May all our profiles have Blade in them.



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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Then go for blade, if you get him then great. Use him as much as you can for now, then if he gets nerfed, rank him down with the gem that kabam have stated they will give out for major changes on champs and rank up someone else
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    You don't actually need all 3 of them or any of them to get content done. I still use starlord only for lol and act exploration. I never had this trinity. The difference is the old "gods" they were the only best champs and they were op whereas these 3 are just alternative optiosn they may be some of the best but they are not the only ones needed. Some people just like to overhype them and praise the hell out of them causing kabam to worry for no reason.
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  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    MMCskippy wrote: »
    People will slowly get that this is the new F2P business model...

    Put out god tier champs...
    Make people spend to get them...
    Eventually nerf them when your revenue starts to drop...
    Create new got tier champs to start the money machine...

    Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum...

    When your business doesn't "make" anything substantial, there are no new products to build that can build your revenue stream. This is the only way they have of generating new revenue. If you follow the life of any F2P game, it is filled with this type of pattern.

    This is a business model and it appears to be successful.

    Wow Preach It Brotha!
  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    edited February 2018
    And the thing they will propably do is, "scale down" the synergy aka remove it. Champ wont be altered in anyway and no rankdown ticks needed to give. Thats what theyll state.
    They have acknowledged that he is bloody desired and amazing champ on his own but those synergies beef him up quite nicely, they perfectly now how powerful he is but theyll just end up saying, "we scaled down this synergy cause it was never suppoused to be this powerful". The same words used for PB team, SW:s sig, Thor and so on, they know (one can hope atleast) how powerful characters they design. Its business but still its [removed by moderator].

    " This topic has gone of its rail, so ill close this thread now...."
    Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    MMCskippy wrote: »
    People will slowly get that this is the new F2P business model...

    Put out god tier champs...
    Make people spend to get them...
    Eventually nerf them when your revenue starts to drop...
    Create new got tier champs to start the money machine...

    Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum...

    When your business doesn't "make" anything substantial, there are no new products to build that can build your revenue stream. This is the only way they have of generating new revenue. If you follow the life of any F2P game, it is filled with this type of pattern.

    This is a business model and it appears to be successful.

    Kabam has a simple way to avoid this cycle instead of nerfing champs make new non villain / non mystic champs that are good defenders. Most strong defenders currently are of the villain variety
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  • MoeDur23MoeDur23 Member Posts: 46
    I just got Blade finally and I been thinking before I got him that he should be nerfed. He will single-handedly screw up AW seasons. I mean all you have to do is look at all the top Alliances top champs to know something is seriously wrong with that picture becuase the disproportionate amount of power Blade has over his opponents. Now his damage output shouldn't be nerfed becuase that isn't the problem. What the problem boils down to is his ability accuracy reduction is to high and to OP when synced with Sparky. 85% ability reduction will simply make AW unfair and slighted towards alliances with a high number of Blades as top Alliances easily stack the odds in thier favor with one singular champ.

  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    @MoeDur23 it's not 85%,its 56%
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    yeah really. Get him, rank him up and use him as much as humanly possible. Take advantage of the situation and don't sell yourself short. People worried about a nerf for wasting resources, aren't looking at the resources they are going to gain and save by taking him up. Stop over thinking it. He's currently the best champion in the game and the only one who can do what he does at a high level. enjoy it when you have him, and if he's ever downgraded, look at the stash of other champions and resources on your plate and thank your lucky stars.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 38
    Old Thor 4/50, old SW 4/50, old DS 4/50 still way stronger than the 5/65 version of any champ in the game currently.
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    Waldo wrote: »
    Old Thor 4/50, old SW 4/50, old DS 4/50 still way stronger than the 5/65 version of any champ in the game currently.

    Pre 12.0 Thor was only great against stunned champs... In stun immune.. he hits like Luke cage....
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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I don't see why everyone is making a big deal about Blade's abilities. So they are great. Chances are you have a champ who is "OP" compared to others against certain content. That's why you use the champs you do. I doubt you randomize your teams and just play with whoever. YOU, yes "YOU", absolutely use whoever is your BEST advantage. As you should.

    Previous to Blade and even STILL is Star Lord. I mean EVERYONE, it seems, beats hard content because of him. Someone who doesn't have him and has just as much skill will have to work longer and harder in many cases to take down the same opponent. It is just part of the game. If you got him, use him. Period.

    Taking champ abilities and advantages into consideration for current content is absolutely part of the skill of this game. Always has been. That includes synergy teams like power gain, etc. That includes Blades abilities and synergies as well.
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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    It just IS true. That is why "mystic wars" exist. Isn't it? Because of a great advantage that exists with mystic champs and MD mastery. Yet people find ways to beat it still.
    I just wish people would stop pretending that for some high moral reason they do not use any and every advantage they can get their hands on to get an advantage in game content. It seems hypocritical in that regard. Star Lord was just a small example. I mean I can sustain a 400+ combo with any other champ I have and they do not even come close to the dmg output of SL by then. I don't have that advantage currently. So what!
    In fact the more complex champs coming out are going to reply on abilities and synergies more than ever.
    To point that SW 5* may not be that "OP" of an idea after all.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Seems like their strategy is to buff and nerf champs through synergies. That way no rank down tickets are handed out and they can say they didn't alter the champs directly.

    And by himself Blade isn't OP at all. He struggles compared to Starlord, Medusa, and Stark Spidey in LOL against non villains and or bleed immunes. Nerfing his synergies (especially GR) just makes him a lot less effective on what he's supposed to be good at.
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  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    I’m in tier 2 and can say blade is not needed. I only have him as a 4* but I don’t use him. I can solo almost any boss but I can 2 shot all bosses without blade. He is a better option on certain paths but he is not needed if you have skill. I honestly don’t want blade because I like the champs that I do have. I would be just as well off without him
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