I'll have 4 tries but my forums ban doesn't end until Friday and I have a weird feeling that forum jail reduces chances for good crystal pulls. So I'm waiting until Friday to open
@Chitlins I really doubt that they adjust your drop rate based on forum bans lol. Good luck though. I'll have 10k shards tomorrow and will be opening a basic. Already have Blade though.
I'll have 4 tries but my forums ban doesn't end until Friday and I have a weird feeling that forum jail reduces chances for good crystal pulls. So I'm waiting until Friday to open
Yep you are right, I have opened 7 5* since being in "jail" and all ****.
I did message a mod about it, but they defo change drop rates personally.
I mean it isn't "luck" that seatin gets every feature champ he goes for, that's just BS
RNG my rear end. I have pulled 9 5*'s from the basic pool so far and they are all pretty much MEH tier. The fact that people who have completed ROL or are Uncollected somehow seem to have unbelievable luck is simply not fair and only further reinforces the pay to win concept.
@TurboMacan trust me as someone who is uncollected and completed most content you only think people are luckier than you there are simply many many more meh champs than good ones in the 5* pool right now. personally my first 10 were terrible (including pulling IP back to back as my only 5* dupe its amazing how "luck" gets better the more crystals you open, and it only takes 3-4 great champs to turn the game around. I am now up to 45 5* and I would say 35 of them are meh/trash (or at minimum I would never consider r4ing them or use them for content)
@TurboMacan never said new players cant get good pulls I'm just saying the more crystals you open the "luckier" you look because your profile is full of good champs. if you have 2-3 shots at blade feature right now id go for it
I'm currently 0/7 on feature if you don't count feature grand master crystals
Yep you are right, I have opened 7 5* since being in "jail" and all ****.
I did message a mod about it, but they defo change drop rates personally.
I mean it isn't "luck" that seatin gets every feature champ he goes for, that's just BS
so I'll have 90k 6 tries. Just need him once.
2nd account has 27k. less hopeful for it.
Hate to break it to you but I don’t think you’re gonna get blade