Howling Commandos and season Summones should receive 5* Champions

For each year that you have been consistently playing the game you should receive one 5* champion. If someone is a seasoned summer they should receive 2 5* champions and if you are a howling commando you should receive 3 5* champions
How fair is that.
You make these comments but you cannot explain why. You must not be a howling commando or seasoned someoner.
I did not say anything that you just said. What the heck are you talking about. Did you not read what I posted. There is a difference between things not being available and people getting things faster. You make no sense
I don't think there is a seasoned somenoer title
You said you wanted to get free 5* cause you played this game before someone else, I said thats not fair. You just sound salty cause someone probably got a better 5* than all the ones you have 😂
I’ll take it. I don’t care what you call it video game hand out
hell yea and add a 7* SW right
A 4* would be pushing it..
If they do this then the champ would be TM sense he was the first released in December, and I would be fine with getting a free 5* TM to awakened mine.