Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Need alliance - Active Player

I need active alliance with high ratings and plays aw, aq map3 or map2 , has linegroup and is interactive because i want to rank up asap.
Current stats
Total no of champs : 126
Total base hero rating : 70,668
Level: 36
No of 5* champs: 2 both R2
No of 4* champs: 18
2 champs R4 L40/40
4 champs R3 L30/30


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    SwingtwistersSwingtwisters Posts: 177
    Hi bro. Add me inline : swingtwisters
    Or in game: swing Twisters

    2.5mil map2
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    @Swingtwisters Thanks for the invite but i got a request recently so i joined them it wud be harsh to join and leave.
    Maybe i can join your alliance a little later would that be okay.
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    kai619kai619 Posts: 7
    Hey bro, are you still open to joining a team work based alliance? We focus on projects that grow each member as quickly as possible. My LINE ID: ieatmapwho
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    VerguldVerguld Posts: 128
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    StuziiStuzii Posts: 28
    Add me in game Stuzii
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    @kai619 , @Verguld , @TheGodKiller , @Stuzii Thank you for inviting me but i have joined an alliance and would be staying here for a while.
    Once i am ranked up a bit maybe then i would join.
    Thank you for support :)
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