Is Carnege actually any god for anything?

Hi. This morning, the excitement. My second 5 star champ opening. And I got carnege!
I actually sold my 4* carnege because I think he sucks.
But I can’t sell this one so why not try to do the best of things.
How do u use him to maximize his potential?
What playing style is the best for him and what team members?
I actually sold my 4* carnege because I think he sucks.
But I can’t sell this one so why not try to do the best of things.
How do u use him to maximize his potential?
What playing style is the best for him and what team members?
He might be nasty & bada$$ in the comics, but in MCoC he may NOT be the top tier champs (in terms of high bleed, high utility, high immunity, high damage output, ease of use, etc) that most folks would like to bring into AW, AQ or Quests. However, he does have nice animations. For the moment, consider him an easy 18k-20k points for Arena
Don't sell him (you can't anyway), keep him around (not that you have other choice), every dog will have its day, Carnage will have his day too.
Kabam realised he was utterly useless and bumped his drop rate like all the other trash!
At the start of the fight, if you pull off a parry, hit them with a heavy to start a bleed. If you play fairly aggressive, and have deep wounds, you can keep the bleeds going for a bit. Otherwise a sp3 can get a long bleed going.
The tricky parts are timing his buffs. If you can get a couple fury stacked, he's not that bad. You can pair him with venom if you want some extra buffs, but it's kind of useless in short fights.
You Just Won The Game My Boi.
Second, it's shame he wasn't any good, when I heard he was coming out I got so excited because he is one of my favorite mavel villains
Can you tell us how and post a video as well?
I have him duped at 4* and he still sucks.