Kicked out of Alliance

So I was working pretty hard in my alliance this past week trying to contribute to the alliance events, wars, quests etc. I often scored in the upper 40 percentile of scores on the scoreboard in the respective alliance events however i was still kicked. I wasn't warned nor told that i need to help out as was always performing well. I wouldn't even mind if I were to be kicked a day or two from now as i can no longer qualify for the summoner advancement rewards. It feels like Ive been cheated. Kabam should set a weekly point milestone for eligibility for the rewards so that **** like this cant happen.
You could be in the top 2 scoring everyday/week/month and you still have the chance of getting kicked.
The reasons are endless
Scored too many points
Didn’t score enough
Donated too much
Didn’t donate enough
Didn’t like your ingame
What you said
How you said it
When you said it
Who you said it to
Adding to the list:
1. Prestige not high enough
2. Making room for someone else, a friend for example
3. Didn't talk to a leader or officer so you hurt their feelings
4. Talked too much with a leader or officer so you annoyed them
5. Didn't move when an officer told you to; it doesn't matter if you have no in-game energy, asleep since it is 2 AM or you always finished your path and don't need pre-K instructions on how to play the game
In an alliance i was in someone joined and he could have been no1 in aw and aq as he was way more powerfull than any of us but he never listened to anyone, was making fun of how low our champions were, said that he wouldn't join in map 4 as it was too easy for him and we should put map 5 and just make room for him in quest as he can take map5 alone, day 3 in alliance had a "fight" with 3 officers he contribute about 2k in sa and after we hit 265k we went to 20k (was saving to be sure i guess?). last day of sa he said that after he takes the rewards from sa he will leave. Kicking him 1 min b4 the sa ends was his punishment.
I understand why they did that, but I already invested boosts in that war (I was going to leave after that war, but because I had champs in AQ at the time, I figured I was going to stay until the boss was finished).
Doesn't seem like it's your case, but it is another possibility.
I was also low on gold and there was this crazy alliance arena that costed 1000 gold per series. This was when they released Magneto.
So it wasn't going to work. They also didn't like that I left the alliance before to focus on a project and then came back. They felt betrayed. Sometimes people can get too sensitive in alliances.
Doing well in events now gets you in trouble ?
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