Long time member accidentally left

I’ve had a long time member accidentally leave the alliance and immediately came back the same day yet is locked out of rewards like sa, and Aq rewards. He submitted a ticket and received a very unhelpful generic response. Is he out of luck or should he try again.
They will probably not be able to do anything about it. Because it is considered an exploit. But you never know.
The reason why they did the blackout in the first place, was that rank rewards were being calculated at the moment the event started. So some players would leave the alliance before it started and rejoined afterwards, having then, a lower minimum. That is the one I remember the most. So you could still sacrifice a couple of players each week for a more achievable SA. Of course the blackout period is there to avoid this kind of exploit.
There were other exploits around AQ and AW. But I never saw them in my alliances.
Not sure what makes them respond in a different way. Sometimes when it involves transactions they are fast and personal (usually problems regarding Google Play or the Apple Store).
If it is a bug, they may answer back at some point.
When they cannot really do anything they leave you with the generic answer. Which seems to be this case. The blackout has no exceptions.
They should be able to. Hard to tell when someone made an honest mistake or is lying. But a business by any standards could show some understand towards these situations. When it’s obviously logged on the back end of the servers that X player left alliance and same X player rejoined that alliance.
There was a lot of reasons
Gifting event one duel credit collect all milestones and leave..
Aq in gifted was mercs going to sn alaince fir 1 week getting t4c then switching to a new allaince to do it again
Back in fall of 2016, I and many other folks were kicked out of the alliance. Only the leader and officers were untouched.
I rejoined immediately and received SA rewards without any problems. I didn't join another alliance before rejoining. Didn't do any quest of any type. Didn't do a single fight in arena. I rejoined the moment I was able to.
Unless the actual "generic response" was a "no", he should try again.