Ronan special attack does not stun

In the description of the Ronan, it says that his special has 100% to stun the opponent, but when I fight against ant-man, I cannot stun him with sp1 and sp2. I know ant-man can glance the attack but it is clearly that Ronan's specials are not 100% stun the opponent.
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The 100% chance to stun is based on his special attacks making 100% contact, which an awakened Ant Man can counter.
That's like complaining that his specials don't stun a blocking target or an opponent on a stun immune node.
I have neither the time nor crayons to explain this to you..
That's why the word "immune" appears
Glancing Hits have a 100% reduction in offensive ability accuracy (along with being unable to be a critical hit and a 50% reduction in damage). This would make it so that effects like Stun could not be activated if the hit glances. Hope this helps with strategizing going forward!
It really bothers me that people post criticisms of the forum moderators without knowing what they actually are supposed to do. Responding to a thread is their job. Forwarding concerns to the game developers is their job. They are doing that.
Your post is the equivalent of yelling at the hospital receptionist because your surgery didn't go as expected. They have nothing to do with the problem, but yet you bundle them all together because they work at the same place.
They are FORUM MODS, not game Devs. They work the forums. They have nothing to do with the game other than reporting the bugs.