Season 2.
Looking to join a promising AW focused or atleast Gold 3 in AW.My prestige is around 3900 Should be higher in season 2.I'm uncollected and have a fairly decent skill level,playing 5x5 with around 4.5-8k prestige,tier 5-7 war experience aswell.I will only be able to join after the first season.Anyone willing to add me into their alliance private message me with your contact info or post it on this chat.
not mind in the slighest if you should/will be in gold in the next season.
Same in game name as I have here
Nothing like being rude, hope that gets you far
You made a joke and he laughed that's how it works
No he was just being rude. As he is on most posts. Also looking for an alliance often, so leaders be warned.
So, why does that give you license to be rude?