Announcing: Community's Choice Boss Rush Challenge



  • sfu_koraxsfu_korax Member Posts: 251 ★★
    I might do it, but with no revives spent. I prefer to keep my units and stuff for the infinity war quests coming probably next month
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Codornas wrote: »

    Same drop rates my a**

    16.67% chance for each champ.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Iceman was a pain. I solod him with a full r4 Sparky and finished with about 6% health. Such a fun and interactive skill based fight right there!
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Fun & interesting challenge. At 1st I was like: “Brian Gant, come on, really, RR with al those stupid nodes, my champs will be slaughtered o_O” Then I did the fight & I was smiling all the way, really fun, my 5* Drax put him out of his misery & was at full health at the end of the fight :)
    Same basically went for the other fights, they were fun, looking forward to the next challenge. I welcome every 5* sig stone ;)
  • udhabajudhabaj Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2018
    Except for Venom or starburst to say it precisely was pain for me, rest were just fine.
    Used health boost and champion boost before going to iceman but realized i wasted when i finshed with 35% health on Cap WW2 xD
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  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    It'd be nice to have contestes where not only top level players can get rewards. I'm 135k, on act now and can't even beat the 1st node on this challenge.
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    420sam wrote: »
    Codornas wrote: »

    Same drop rates my a**

    16.67% chance for each champ.

    My ally opened 6 so far

    4 venoms
    2 antman
  • MuncelMuncel Member Posts: 7
    Glad I ranked Void :)
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    What’s with the crappy champions like Rocket Racoon, Antman, and Venom should have let the community decide
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    What’s with the crappy champions like Rocket Racoon, Antman, and Venom should have let the community decide

    They did. But they thought they were choosing challenges, they werent aware that the same heroes would be included in a crystal.

    Im questioning this for a while here but no mods have answered, they re too busy closing other threads
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    edited March 2018
    Codornas wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike why the players who made this werent aware they were also choosing champions to be in a crystals? Seems like unethical to me

    Here @DrOctavius2_2
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★
    Overall was pretty meh, decided to go in blind and without watching any videos, though I did make one myself one my first run... for those who think it’s difficult, don’t fear a 4* sparky can easily take iceman down.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Lol I just asked in another chat who chose him to be in the crystal...too funny! Even the guy who chose him doesn't want him in the crystal...har! har! har! That is so funny that it offsets the sadness!
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Just when I thought I can finally get Spark or Iceman since there are only 6 champs in the crystal but I just had to roll ANTMAN!
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Boss rush is beatable.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Enjoyed the challenge, nice little mode. One piece of feedback I have is that I think the community would benefit from a range of difficulties as it’s kind of a “if you can’t do it you get nothing”. Like the Actor Challenges (Chloe’s, Coulson, Grandmaster etc) I think there should be 4 difficulties ranging from Easy then Heroic then Master Difficulty then the one we have in the game for the actual challenge. That way everyone gets to do at least something.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Codornas wrote: »

    Same drop rates my a**

    I mean, you’ve literally got a sample of 3. How you’ve managed to conclude it’s unfair odds is impossible. With a sample of 3 the fairest odds you can get is 33% for 3 champs and then 0% for the last 3. Let me know when you get a sample of a thousand or so
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Sorry, it is an elitist event that obvious requires a min 5/50 team and probably unlocked r3 5s, of which I have none (owing to the shortage of t4cc at the solo player level). It's not worth draining supplies and units for. Why would I empty my cache of revives and restores for a chance to get Ant-man (Who I do have, locked) because that is just my luck...
  • Bdawg333Bdawg333 Member Posts: 6
    For the players by the players lol funny
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    Pass hard pass you know much so pass that inwolll
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    You guys do realize that players picked these champs and nodes yet all of you are blaming Kabam for the difficulty lol. I have plenty of rank 4 5* but I’m going to do it with 4* for the extra challenge

    you think kabam let the players choose the nodes????
    Rap wrote: »
    Frankly too much of the game has become designed for the "elite" players...

    agree on that part
  • Top3rom3komsTop3rom3koms Member Posts: 4
    I have so many issues with this quest for starters in the first 3 lines it says it's by the players for the players but they haven't took all the players in to account when making this quest it's only for level 40 and above not all players are that high up, I have many issues with this game now and I am fed up with messaging kabaam about my issues and nothing ever gets done with out a lot of aggravation and telling them that they are wrong this is not a game designed with all players in mind case and point the boss rush challenge it is designed for the higher levelled player or the ones willing to pay through the nose for it the need to consider everyone at all levels and aspects of the game they could and should revamp the whole thing reward system, bracket system even at the end of this message for the boss rush they say they hope EVERYONE will enjoy it and they say ALL of you that means every single player in the world yet they have only catered this quest to level 40+ that's not EVERYONE rant over.
  • Kaizen_KingKaizen_King Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Saichander wrote: »
    This boss rush challenge is like only for skilled players what about medium players please think about it kabam

    Do you have the same complaint about Act 5, RttL Chapter 4, or LoL? There exists in this game content that was NOT meant to be won by medium level players people! Is that difficult to understand?
  • PantherAPPantherAP Member Posts: 57
    Rap wrote: »
    Frankly too much of the game has become designed for the "elite" players...

    I agree...For the average player, this challenge is just unplayable. I've been playing this game for two years and I only have two 5/50 4-star champs plus a couple of 3/45 unduped 5-stars, so I don't have any flexibility to pick and choose what champs in my roster are better suited for certain fights. I always have to play my top 5 champs and hope they don't get crushed. I just tried this challenge and the first boss, Stark Enhanced Spidey, wiped out my top two champs like they were nothing. So I quit out and will now have to see this crummy event tab for the next two weeks.

    I have plenty of good 4 & 5-star champs that I wish I could rank up but the game offers so little chances for T4 materials, since I'm not Uncollected and my alliance doesn't really push milestones or AQ/AW. This brings me to my next point...

    All you get from this challenge are several 4&5 star signature stones, 1000 5-star shards, 175 units, and a specialized 4-star crystal?

    Y'know, for the average player, that might be ok but it's still missing T4B & T4CC's...But for the elite players this was designed for, that's terrible. They probably already have all these 4-star champs duped by now and 1/10th of a 5-star is meh.

    I wish Kabam would up the rewards and allow challenges like this to be multi-tiered in difficulty so that players of any skill level can participate. If this game is going to become an Uncollected-only exclusive, then I'll probably have to go play something else more rewarding.

  • Your_FatherYour_Father Member Posts: 1
    This is kind of ridiculous. "You're really good at this game? Here, this'll help you get better!" Another event that is impossible for newcomers. Allowing veterans to get better champs, and leaving us noobs with nothing? I understand not wanting to just give away god champs, but at least give us some sort of event that is actually possible for us.
  • WillietWilliet Member Posts: 6
    Why on earth would i want a crystal that has a chance of an antman. They put ant man in there because they will kabam you everytime and give you ant man.
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