Arena Points

Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
Hey guys. I was just wondering if there was a way to earn arena points faster. I am currently at a x3 multiplier, and it feels like the points are dragging along.

Over my time playing, I may have gotten into the ranked section once.


  • imnooneimnoone Member Posts: 316 ★★
    x3 multiplier is the highest you can go to.
    There are multiple threads on how to get infinite streak so you can keep x3 multipliers and don't have to start over every time.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    @Gmonkey2k, there are many ways,

    At bare minimal, you must:
    1) be able to achieve INFINITE STREAK
    2) have big enough roster to fully utilize them over the 2 hours period before recycle them thru (7 hours for 5* onwards)

    To further maximize, you may:
    3) use your arena boost as much as you could afford
    4) use your MAX'ed rank champs as many as you have
    5) ensure you have as high prestige as you could achieve
    6) modify your mastery to help you achieving as high prestige as you could achieve

    But best is you can:
    7) SPENT UNITS to keep on recharging your highest PI trios
    8) use your highest arena boost for your highest PI trios
    9) fight fast BUT must win, so you can get as many fights as possible before arena boost effect expire with your continuously-recharged-trios

    10) you better have iPhone @ IOS, perhaps iPhone 7 or 8 onwards (I'm using Android, all loading between screens are 2x longer than iPhone, so I took 2x as long on average to achieve same progressing points like iPhone counterpart, if everything else stays the same)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »
    Hey guys. I was just wondering if there was a way to earn arena points faster. I am currently at a x3 multiplier, and it feels like the points are dragging along.

    Over my time playing, I may have gotten into the ranked section once.

    Rank up a stronger roster. Over time as your roster gets higher, your points go up. Higher PI translates to higher points. Also, in arenas that allow them, 5* champs earn more points for the same PI. I used to average 17k per round (that's three fights in a set). Then I was averaging 22k, then 30k, and now in the higher arenas my average with 5* champs used as often as they recharge with no spending on refreshes I'm averaging closer to 40-45k per round.

    The cardinal rule for arena grinding is: there's no such thing as a bad champ. Getting more champs and ranking them up means more points and more opportunities to earn points without spending on refreshes.

    Other than that, there are three more ways to get more points. One: invest in suicide masteries. They give you more offense (at a cost) and increase your PI. This means you will end fights faster in arena, and get more points per fight. But you have to be able to afford the masteries, and also be able to fight with them without killing yourself. Two: you can spend money and refresh your best champions over and over again, which earn more points than weaker ones. This is extremely expensive for most players and I don't recommend it. If you can afford it, and you know what you're doing, you won't bother with my recommendation. And of course, option three: grind longer.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    It’s a process, but study the videos on you tube about the infinite streak, videos prior to March 2017 are out date so don’t bother with those.

    Then it becomes about math, figure out how many points you are scoring with a full run through your roster then you how much you can score every 2hrs.

    Good Luck
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for the responses guys. Too bad I can't really understand a lot of them :(

    Too many technical terms and such....grinding it is...
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    edited March 2018
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »
    Thanks for the responses guys. Too bad I can't really understand a lot of them :(

    Too many technical terms and such....grinding it is...


    In a narrower term more specific to MCoC's arena grinding:-
    Grinding may means you play by SWEAT and TEARS, very often scarify time, sleep, even friends and families. This is assuming we play by the rule, using both hands and NOT some automated BOTS. Grinding means keep fighting the 3vs3 in arena, very often more than 10 hours per day, to hit very high points or to achieve as many intermediate milestones as possible.

    In a broader term in gaming in general, grinding:-
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Never mind then.

    What I meant to say is, I play until the champions that are allowed in that arena are on cool down. Once their done, I probably lose my streak and start from the beginning multiplier. I slowly creep back up to x3.

    Rinse and repeat. Probably twice, max.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »
    Never mind then.

    What I meant to say is, I play until the champions that are allowed in that arena are on cool down. Once their done, I probably lose my streak and start from the beginning multiplier. I slowly creep back up to x3.

    Rinse and repeat. Probably twice, max.

    You need to understand infinite streak. This will allow you to keep that x3 multiplier indefinitely. It is something that some players seem to "get" quickly and others seem to get confused about. This is the easiest way I can explain it, but to do so I have to make up some stuff that might not be entirely true, but seems to mimic what the game does.

    When you are fighting in the arena the game keeps a streak counter of the number of times you've won in a row, where a "win" means you won at least two out of three fights in a match. Associated with the streak counter is an invisible "difficulty meter" that the game never tells you and no one actually knows precisely what it is, but it is there. This counter is a number that is compared to the total PI rating of the champions you bring into the arena. The PI number is that rating number under the champion portrait. Take all three and add them up, then compare to the invisible difficulty meter I mentioned above.

    If your team is equal or higher, then the fight you get will be against a team that has a similar total rating, which should be a relatively easy fight. But if your team is lower, then the fight you get will be against a team that is significantly higher and stronger. In extreme cases they can by twice as high or three times as high as you are. This will not be an easy fight and it is a fight many players can't win. Some players refer to this happening as "drawing a death match."

    So just bring a high enough team into the arena, and you always get easy fights. Except that invisible difficulty meter gets *higher* as your streak count gets higher. So initially, practically any team you bring will draw an easy fight. But as streak counter gets higher, you need to bring higher and higher teams to avoid that "death match." Eventually the strength of team you need to bring could be higher than what you have. That's why ranking up helps.

    Now, if the difficulty thing kept getting higher and higher, eventually most players would get killed and break their streak, resetting their multiplier back to 1x. But the interesting thing about this invisible difficulty meter number is that right around streak count 14 it stops getting higher and actually starts getting slightly lower. Around streak count 20 it stop and mostly levels out. Past this point you are in "infinite streak" territory. As long as you stay above the difficulty value with the teams you bring in, you will always get easy (relatively) fights and can continue forever with a 3x multiplier.

    So what are the difficulty numbers? I don't know: no one really knows, and this might not really be happening in the game. The game just behaves like it. And different arenas have different difficulty ratings you have to exceed to avoid "death matches." But there are rules of thumb out there, and there are guides to infinite streak you can Google search which contain some players' systems for how to avoid death matches that basically encapsulate methods for keeping ahead of the difficulty meter, which as I keep saying is something I just made up to help explain what is going on (although it is one possible way the game implemented this system).

    Knowing this, there are some helpful strategies though. People often use their strongest teams first. But that's not the best idea. Since you get easy fights early no matter what, it is better to use your weakest teams early and move up to stronger ones, as the "difficulty meter" gets higher. And the critical value is right around streak counter 8 or 9: this is when the hard "death matches" can start to really appear. From 9 through 14 you have to use (relatively) strong teams. From 15-20 you can start using slightly weaker teams but you have to stay above a certain value. It is somewhere around 5000, but I've seen numbers from 4700 to 5500. Mostly, stay above three 4/40 4* champs or something with similar numbers and you'll be fine.

    Another strategy you might hear: "sandbagging." Sandbagging is where you deliberately give up on one fight to give yourself a better chance at winning the other two. Remember that the team you face will be based in part on how numerically high your own team is. So lets say you bring three 1500 rating champions into arena. That's a total rating of 4500. The arena will probably send something similar. But what if you are below the invisible difficulty meter and the game decides to punish you by sending a team closer to 6000 rating after you? That would be three champs with 2000 rating, most likely. That's 33% higher than you are. But what if instead you bring two 2000 raing champions and one weak 500 rating champ? Your team is still 4500 total rating, and if the game sends three 2000 rating champs against you then one fight will be practically hopeless - 500 vs 2000 - but the other two will be close fights. If you win two out of three, you still keep your streak alive.

    In that example, no big deal either way but when you draw "death matches" it can be a big deal. If the game decides to send a team with triple your rating after you, the difference between facing three 4000+ champions with two 2000s verses three 1500's might be the difference between winning and losing.

    Beyond this, you should consider finding and reading one of the many guides on infinite streak out there.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Read up on infinite streaks, use arena boosts, and level up your champs to get more points. Arena grinds take time, but the stronger your champs the better chances you have at getting top 10%
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    @Gmonkey2k , these Trucos Infinite streak has served me very well for many many months, for all those 3* arena, 4* basic, 4* featured, and even the new 5* features, as well as all the 3 catalyst arenas ....

    There are various variants, but to me this Trucos version is good enough. Never failed, unless my phone freezed (happened once awhile), or unless I was hit by the emergency maintenance (happened a few times!!! darned!!)

  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    I think a big problem that I have is I don't have enough champs. I mean, I have a good amount, but not enough to do what DNA is saying...
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    We all started with not enough champs, if you play consistently you will get them. For now keep playing the arenas, keep opening PHCs crystals and accumulating 4* shards, when you have about 30 4* champs you will breeze through the arena
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    We all started with not enough champs, if you play consistently you will get them. For now keep playing the arenas, keep opening PHCs crystals and accumulating 4* shards, when you have about 30 4* champs you will breeze through the arena

    :| Well....Right now, I have one 5* hero and six 4* heroes.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »

    :| Well....Right now, I have one 5* hero and six 4* heroes.

    But you probably have a lot of 3* champs. So you play the long game. You use those 3* champs in the 3* featured arena. It is possible to get the 3* featured in there without a lot of work these days. You keep building up that 3* roster. When you have a good feel for how much effort it takes and how much spare time you have after you reach that mark, you start running the 4* basic arena just to get the milestone rewards. Those come with units and other resources, and eventually your 3* roster alone will be enough to reach the 4* basic reward. Then you start accumulating 4* basic champs - and at your level there is no such thing as a bad 4* champ so the ones that are the least desirable will become the easy ones for you to get. Once you can reach this point, you start accumulating 4* basic champs until you build up your 4* roster. You keep increasing the size of your roster in steps, getting more champions and ranking them up, increasing your ability to earn more and more points. Take your time, pace yourself, and reach for achievable goals, and as you do you will gain strength to reach for higher ones.

    Its how I did it.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »

    :| Well....Right now, I have one 5* hero and six 4* heroes.

    I would either use your 3* (and few 4* champs, obviously) to win the 4* basic or move to the 3* arena to win some more 3* champs first and then when you have more of them move to back to the 4* basic. Recently the cutoff from the basic arena has gone down, but if you can’t get 2mil just focus on the milestones and collect shards. You’ll get more champs and get there.

    Using boosts has been said a lot, but personally I wouldn’t use them as much as possible. Use them when it’s actually possible to get a champ (or when you need them to reach whatever specific goal you set). You can save up the boosts if you don’t open the crystals. Once opened and in your stash (if inventory is full), they only last 3 days.

    I’m pretty tired while writing this, let me know if I’m being unclear.
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2018
    Infinte streak is (removed by moderation) impossible. Just tons of hard work for disappointment and frustration.
    Screw this damn game.
    Post edited by Kabam Sophia on
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »
    Infinte streak is (removed by moderation) impossible. Just tons of hard work for disappointment and frustration.
    Screw this damn game.

    It's not though. You just need to get better and get more champs. Probably need to work on your masteries, which will make everything easier.
    Post edited by Kabam Sophia on
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Gwendoline wrote: »

    It's not though. You just need to get better and get more champs. Probably need to work on your masteries, which will make everything easier.

    But getting better (and more champs) wont help the game from saying I lost, when I clearly still had health and was in the middle of a game ending attack.
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2018
    Yeah, impossible. I keep getting paired against teams I have NO chance of beating. I maybe get two hits in, and thats the end of it.

    I nearly broke my phone because of this (removed by moderation). I was so (removed by moderation) close, and the game decided to screw me over.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    You have seen how to get to infinite streak right?
    If you send a team to weak at the wrong time you get paired against death squads.
    What streak are you getting to before facing these impossible fights? And what are your champs ranks going into these fights?
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Patchie93 wrote: »
    You have seen how to get to infinite streak right?
    If you send a team to weak at the wrong time you get paired against death squads.
    What streak are you getting to before facing these impossible fights? And what are your champs ranks going into these fights?

    All I'm doing, is choosing the next three that are ready. Moving up the power each round. (If that makes sense).
    And I'm getting these fights at about streak 10-11. They are in the upper 500's when I go to fight them. And to add to what I said before, I got a connection error message after winning the first round. The second fight I NEEDED to win, but the knew system screwed me over. The last fight was the one I could afford to lose (and planned on it) if I won the first two.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    What arena were you in 3* featured, 4* basic, 4* featured?

    Each has its own rules of how to achieve infinite streak based mostly on what rank your champs are. For example in 4* featured you want to run
    2 r4/40 4* and a r3/30 4* between fights 10-14 anything less triggers death squads and anything that isn't alot stronger will cause fights to be harder
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Patchie93 wrote: »
    What arena were you in 3* featured, 4* basic, 4* featured?

    Each has its own rules of how to achieve infinite streak based mostly on what rank your champs are. For example in 4* featured you want to run
    2 r4/40 4* and a r3/30 4* between fights 10-14 anything less triggers death squads and anything that isn't alot stronger will cause fights to be harder


    I'm working in Crystal Splash right now.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Gmonkey2k wrote: »

    All I'm doing, is choosing the next three that are ready. Moving up the power each round. (If that makes sense).
    And I'm getting these fights at about streak 10-11. They are in the upper 500's when I go to fight them. And to add to what I said before, I got a connection error message after winning the first round. The second fight I NEEDED to win, but the knew system screwed me over. The last fight was the one I could afford to lose (and planned on it) if I won the first two.

    Sounds like your not following the instructions for the infinite streak if your just choosing the next that are ready. People here are giving you great advice an instructions ( Even with pictures).

    Can you post shots of your roster so maybe they can help you even more than they have.

  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33
    Will do.
  • Gmonkey2kGmonkey2k Member Posts: 33

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