
The more I play her, the more I figure out some tricks and realize she's very strong. I don't have a Hyperion or Medusa, so this is another reason I use her a lot. The only 4*+ Cosmics I have are 4* unduped Hela and 5* unduped Symbiote Spider-Man.
A few parries and heavies, and she's gaining furies like a boss and crits a lot. Was getting 2k heavies at a 3/30 4* duped Pheonix (sig level like 30).
Anyone else really like using her? Her ability rocks when I mess up, and her attacks get very strong.
A few parries and heavies, and she's gaining furies like a boss and crits a lot. Was getting 2k heavies at a 3/30 4* duped Pheonix (sig level like 30).
Anyone else really like using her? Her ability rocks when I mess up, and her attacks get very strong.
You can generate phoenix force charges by using SP2 or heavy attacks; then cash them in with an SP1 to do some pretty decent damage and end up with more power than before you triggered the special attack! Fairly soon you're back at a special 2 to make more PF charges: rinse and repeat.
Don't forget to back off and generate Furies once in a while.
It's a shame she's so fragile. If she's not Awakened, she really lacks durability for questing. Great in the arenas, though.