Dormammu Or Taskmaster????!!!

Hey Friends! I have a 4* Dormammu And Taskmaster too. Both are rank 3 max. Now here comes the problem, whom should I rank up to rank four?!!! Both are my favourites. Can you please give your suggestions. It will be really helpful if you do so. Thank you.
I am also a huge fan of taskmaster in general.
On the other hand, Taskmaster is extremely cool and I rly want him. Needs the dupe tho, I think.
Dorm is a better champ imo
His power control is good but Taskmaster after a certain point becomes immune to all debuffs
Gonna do him no good if he has to eat Hyperions l3
Gonna do him no good if he eats anyone's l3 with dorms u almost don't have to worry about that
And plus he's one of the best defenders in the game
Power Drain & Power Lock = power control.
Double immunities (poison and bleed)
Regen (if you play it right, eventhough it's not much but still could be helpful when the times call for it)
Great for Biohazard node in Act 5.4
can be greater with Mystic Dispersion masteries = easy to gain more power! More power = more power lock = more fluid power control.
If you control the power, you control the game. So then it really comes down to your skills to avoid getting too much hit.
For some reason, all the comments saying go for dormammu will get a "LOL", so maybe you'll get your "LOL" soon. Don't get me wrong, this "LOL" is not from me, bcos my "go for dormammu comment" also got a "LOL" from that someone. Looking forward to hear this genius' LOL feedback on Dormammu vs Taskmaster
I guess that language is Turkish
Why? I have heard so much about certain Turkish' AW and MCoC "ethics" .... and many of them are "Famous" for doing "certain tricks" in this game!
p/s: No offend to anyone in Turkish nationality, I only share what I heard in this MCoC universe (nothing in real human world)
"LOL" just appeared again! Even to your comment!
Oh no! We have a clown hidden in this thread! A clown on April Fool day!!!
I'm starting to feel that we're the 'clowns',lol