Awakening gem offer

Guys if anyone of you know when will the offer next came out and please tell me when. It doesn't have to be accurate which you are not sure of thats why people say idk. I mean say your guess and thoughts on when it will came out. And also if you guys know when was that awakening gem generic offer comes iut please say it. Thanks alot!
Last month, there was a CASH offer for the 4* generic awakening gem, did you buy? <-- I didn't, don't feel like buying with cash
2~3 months ago, there was a UNIT offer for the 4* generic awakening gem, did you buy? <-- I did, still keeping the gem in my inventory
There were 1 or 2 more last year, can't remember anymore.
since we don't have to be accurate- you will get an offer sometime between now and 10 years from now.
All of then no because I was not intrested buying em and now the reason why Im now intrested of getting that gem is because I need to dupe my SL and when its duped, its gonna be OP
Thats why you buy them when they are available. stock up on them
Wait how do you know I got gwenpool xD? You chefk my profile through in game Im guessing?
So I should farm units to 850 and be patient till the offer comes out so i can buy em for 850 units?
Yes, and I think the example you quoted is TINY
I have been waiting for Vision OG offer. I missed the one last year as I spent my units somewhere else, so when the offer came out for 24 hours, I didn't have enough units to go for him.
Therefore, like you said correctly, FARM units from Arena, and SAVE UP till the offer come. 850 is nothing. I always KEEP AT LEAST 5000 units avail AT ALL TIME so next time whenever Vision OG offer comes out, I will be able to get him right away, and I still continue to grind Arena (even if I'm not doing the Top 10%, I still do some milestones) to stock up the Battlechips and some units, so I can continue to spend units for Arena recharge, for some decent T1a/T4b/T4cc unit sales, occasional 4* awakening gem sales, etc, without risking getting my unit stash below 5000.
Good luck and cheers!
Or you just buy it, with money, unless you are under 15 and dont have a job, if u are over 15 and dont have a job, i would suggest you get one. Ive been working since i was 15. Also if your over 21, and are not training in a skill or going to school and have no job, stop playing games on your phone and sort yout life out. LoL
Im 15 and don't have a job yet lol