In Mystic Champions who is hard to fight against in Alliance Wars..!!

VishuTVishuT Member Posts: 7

In Mystic Champions who is hard to fight against in Alliance Wars..!! 38 votes

OmniJRock808TrektweavileSenorPantsaxelelf_1DangerNoodleCupidMmx1991ljainD5ItsTheBroski 11 votes
ThatsausageTheManMythLegendAxeCopFireAdamdrt2006TendersquadRavenrob_33B4nanaJoCobraDTMelodicMetalBruinsfan8510Atticus9090Julius_Seizure 12 votes
Maviii 1 vote
Anurag1606SgtAnime1Nemesis666Animatronics_to3Gatorguy678DRTOshadow_lurker22 7 votes
Sac123_AntonioTheCoolBlaargowvonkMMaqsoodMitchell35Ersnnerdem 7 votes


  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    None with blade and ghostrider.
  • SenorPantsSenorPants Member Posts: 102
    Even with Blade, Dormammu can be problematic. Magik, Mordo and Mephisto are pretty easy with Blade...Mornigstar's bleed immunity takes away DOT damage, but she doesn't degen you like Dorm does.
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    edited April 2018
    With mystic dispersion they all get trickier. A lot depends on the node.
    Dormammu is trickier on unblockable l2 and powegain.
    Magik is trickier on powergain.
    jugs is a pain on stun immune.
    Morningstar annoying if they havent got blade or bleed immune champ.
    Mephisto is quite good on powergain or regen.
    Mordo is good with extended stun duration and powergain.

    Overall, its probably more to do with who your opponent has in attack as there is a counter to all of these champs and a lot of end game players have a counter to each.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    edited April 2018
    I say Dormammu because if you have a incinerate immune champion like Hulk, Mephisto is really easy. Regardless of who you have Dormammu's special 2 is very difficult to evade. And when you see a Dormammu for example in AQ as a boss, you have to block that special 2 and it will kill you regardless. Mephistos specials are easier to evade and simple. For Magik all you have to do is not hit her when limbo is up and you're good. So in my opinion Dormammu is the most difficult.
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Dormammu is breakfast for Rulk and LC. Just parry well and don't evade specials. It is quite possible to avoid degen that way, but you need to take some block dmg. You can get out of SP1 range when he launches it without using dexterity.

    Unblockable SP2 node can be tricky though.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Without blade, Magik is a total pain, triggers limbo so much and on a regen node it's so annoying. Dormamu isn't too bad, Mephisto's charged regen thing can be annoying, and morningstar just throw in a bleed immune champ and it's easy. Mordo used to be hard when I had less experience but he's not annoying anymore.
  • Gatorguy678Gatorguy678 Member Posts: 21
    Where is Juggarnaut?
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    edited April 2018
    I say Dormammu because if you have a incinerate immune champion like Hulk, Mephisto is really easy. Regardless of who you have Dormammu's special 2 is very difficult to evade. And when you see a Dormammu for example in AQ as a boss, you have to block that special 2 and it will kill you regardless. Mephistos specials are easier to evade and simple. For Magik all you have to do is not hit her when limbo is up and you're good. So in my opinion Dormammu is the most difficult.

    Dormammu boss in aq 5 is an easy one shot with any decent champ as he has no awakened ability. You just do deep evades and bait l1. Sl, red hulk, blade, etc. All can oneshot him.

    His worst ability is his degen.

    Stark spidey can dodge those l2s. Dorky dave uses him well. His taunt makes it easy to bait l1 and autoevade reduces dexterity trigger for md.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Mordo gets me because I’m pretty reliant on parry... other than that my archangel wipes magik and mephisto and I haven’t had too many hard fights with Morningstar or dorm. Also dorm is free points as aq boss anyway.
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    Dorm: even with blade, block damage and special still hit like a truck. Morningstar come close second, since without bleed immune she can be quite a pain in the ass. Other can be beat rather easily with Hulk/Ghulk/Rulk or some high bleed champs
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