Yep I'm about to r3 cable .But confuse little so started discussion.thank you for replying @Next2Hell ,@shadow_lurker22.
One more suggestion needed ,which will be among above will be good for defence as well as general questing???
Actually with my aa and magik I can clear any champion in defence without loosing much health (*except dormamu dub and kingpin are hard for me) .That's why I'm asking as high tier allaince wants high rated defenders😢. Thanks for suggestion
This may be a very unpopular decision (mine included) but Antman would be a good choice down the road. Either for Flare node or All or Nothing Node, his Glancing gives him high physical resistance and prevents power burn at times. I know the later from facing Antman on All or Nothing and Vision couldn't remove any power due to Glancing.
One more suggestion needed ,which will be among above will be good for defence as well as general questing???
p/s: very very curious, you have so many 5*s, so you cannot be new, are you NOT knowing those champs well enough?
From the recommended list of Best AW Defender here, you have quite a few you can priortize
In that order.