Featured items returned

Look Kabam. you got nothing but complaints last time you did this, and simply expanding the selection doesn't help the fact that the items are overpriced just 3 or 4 purchases in. forget the fact, that if you buy 20 of the 5* shard sets, it's 6,000 units, which is $2,000. what you should have done, is that the price resets with each rotation. you would guaranteed get people buying at least 3 or 4 of the 5* shards every reset. which means more units bought from your store. I guess it's just something for you to chew on, as I foresee a landslide of complaints about this coming back...
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
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Yeah they know it’s ridiculous because they removed my post about it
hey! I won't buy the max definitely. i'm just pointing out that kabam is only causing a mountain of tickets and forum complaint posts for them to moderate, for themselves.
sad thing is, or at least it's sad to me, a lot of the moderators actually play this game, from my understanding, and yet they still make these mistakes. even the biggest spenders wouldn't use the units required for max purchases of any of the items.
I don’t get what the fuss about them is though. You don’t have to buy them all, buy a few if you want. The reason there are so many is so if whales want to, they can splash out.
The thing is, if you want to buy 10 of them and the whale wants to buy 50. Kabam can either do 10 and piss the whale off but you’re fine, you buy 10. Or they can do 50 and you can buy your 10 and the whale can buy 50. Nobody (should be) pissed off. I don’t get why people are annoyed about something they don’t have to buy.
because it helps no one, not even the biggest spenders. it's just a waste of space, and seems masochistic.
1/5th of a 5* dupe, mi amigo. its 2,000 shards total, not 10,000.
yeah, I just saw the edit
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