Alliance Seeker

Looking for an alliance as of this moment. Current prestige is 7k, Experience in different map from 1-6, AQ/AW mini and boss killer. Current placement from the 1st AW season is master and just trying to come down tier but still want to stay competitive. Leave your IGN/Line Id and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks
Humanity's Last Stand. AQ - 55422 (this week) - maybe 55333 next. AW - Silver (working on that - moving up!).
I wouldn't call us a retirement alliance, we just merged top players from two alliances to make an active but casual alliance of adults who have jobs and kids and lives.
We are look full, but have 3 alts we would kick for like minded players. We use Line for communication.
Shroud1969 (In Game: Blade / Line: Spawn)
Anyone else? Ping me!
Alliance tag: DH-DŁ
IGN: •Łegion
Line ID: Bubba6161
14.5M Gold 1. 55555 Expert
IGN: B1gGaz
Ally Tag: UNCH2
Line ID: Harleyndaddy
line ID = mrchristmas726
alliance tag = SB E
-map 5 only, top 400
-no event minimums
-easy donations
-top 100 G1 alliance. AWS2, P3. We amhave already replaced weak links
IGN: aetolius
Line ID: Aetolius
We run 65555, finished Gold 2 tier last season after oscillating between G1 and G2. Looking to firmly plant in G1 next season. Spend most of the time in tier 6 war. Pretty diverse and laid-back group with people from Turkey, UK, Australia, US mostly. 10M alliance rating. Hit me up if interested.
2614 war rating
130 plat 3
109 AQ 56555
Ign sucifer
Line id sucifer3
Line: gnews85
Contact me via Line if interested, QuikPik.
Look me up in the game and message me if you like the alliance. Good luck!
IGN: GigaHeXx
Line: MissMissy8222
Look for me In Game... my alliance is reorganizing for Planium 3.
Kid Ranxerox
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.
Line id: thundercats1
IGN: tens1o
10mil need one before AQ today
Communication and Participation all members have a blast at the same time kicking ass
Wrong anonymous lol. I got tagged. No worries though