Best answer to debuffs immune Hyperion?

What's the best champ to use against him?
I tried Magic, he just blocks until sp3 then rinses me
I tried Dorm, he blocks to sp3 then rinses me
I tried IceMan, he used sp3 a second time before my ice armor was back, rinsed me
I tried Quake, useless
I tried AA, Dennis immune so useless
I tried Red Hulk, once he gets to sp3 I'm rinsed
Medusa rinsed
Stark Spidey, rinsed
Any tips/suggestions?
Trying not to have to use my entire team and a revive or 2 to get through him...
I tried Magic, he just blocks until sp3 then rinses me
I tried Dorm, he blocks to sp3 then rinses me
I tried IceMan, he used sp3 a second time before my ice armor was back, rinsed me
I tried Quake, useless
I tried AA, Dennis immune so useless
I tried Red Hulk, once he gets to sp3 I'm rinsed
Medusa rinsed
Stark Spidey, rinsed
Any tips/suggestions?
Trying not to have to use my entire team and a revive or 2 to get through him...
Iceman & AA are duped
Magik should be able to take him down. SS can power drain every 30 seconds and then should be able to draw out specials.
Hyperion is Dennis immune, Poor Dennis
Unfortunately my gwenpool is not duped...
I may have to try this tactic. Good call
but yeah @Icecold2099 try that and remember to build up frostbite charges too to chip health off him while youre at it too.
your s3 will save you if he breaks your armour so bait his specials if you can
good luck
Spidey - Try evade a bit and build up poise so you can launch your taunts. Leave yourself open and his specials will launch fairly easily.
Magik - Bait specials until you get to your sp2 and then you basically just need to rinse and repeat that.
The Uncollected version of this fight was a very unique set of node buffs (not debuff immune):
*Strike Back: Gain 1 bar of power when you use a Special
*Power Shield: Only takes damage from special attacks
He was especially tricky to beat, but ultimately you spend a lot of the fight baiting specials.
Used Switch for the Master version, then Blade for the Uncollected version.
Spidey and Magik don't work because Taunts and power lock are debuffs and this version of Hype is immune. Same with Hood's Stagger.
Against immune champs, your only hope is to nullify and bait.
Dorm works also.
You want to bait and nulify. That's about it
He doesn't work because he's debuff immune
Its a long fight, but doable.
Agree. My duped 4* 3/30 doc oc took out about half the life of uncollected hyperion for me. Just got to keep baiting those SP1s though.
So if you hit hyperion with an especial that power drains 1 bar, what happens? And even wierder, with this Magik skill:
Just finished my third fight with this boss, and when I got him with my Magik's sp2 his power went straight to 3 complete bars, even though mi special should powerlock, power steal and be exempt from generating power in the opponent. I'm just baiting s1 and s2 dealing normal attacks, it seems thats the safest way.