How could this be possible?

Please kabam.. i pulled all the **** available in the contest.. just pulled that SH.. only magik (awakened with gem) and medusa (still unduped) are top champs.. 30 5* opened in 2 years..

There's nothing more to show.. unless medusa and magik that i wrote..
Under this screen there are a BP classic, cap america.. over ther screen duped ironfist electra RHulk(i'm waiting to dupe him to rank up)
Read everything..
Just take a look at my gold to understand the situation..
I’m a free to play, so I don’t have much to complain about my luck. I used to believe that FGM gems is where Kabam make $$$, but I had never tried them before I completed 100% Act 5. Recently, I spent 3000 units that I saved to try my luck, getting 3* Sabretooth, 2 useless 4* and 7 junk 3*. Imagine someone has to spend +$100 to get those cr**, I just but laugh.
Those with 5* duped Proxima probably spent thousand to get her. They are the ones Kabam has been serving.
Anyway, Nebula is decent and Karnaz may have some use now.