Luke Cage Exhaust

MiggyMiggy Member Posts: 37
Hi team,

Really appreciate the buff to LC, pulled him as a 6* and was pretty chuffed - powerful yet balanced champ without much fancy stuff, just raw power with an ability reduction silver lining that isn't big (cause you cal only activate on sp2).

However I do have the question, is his exhaust not meant to stack up like all (or most) other active debuffs in the game? It's difficult to stack up loads of exhaust so thought it'd make sense because usually it's only through his sp3 you can ramp it up.

e.g. if an opponent has 5 exhausts should it not multiply their power gain by ≈76% (0.75*0.75*0.75*.0.75*0.75)?



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,393 ★★★★★
    Im hav Got 11. So not Thah hard.
  • MiggyMiggy Member Posts: 37
    I'm not saying it doesn't happen just that's infrequent to get over 5 without sp3. Not complaining, saying that makes sense since if you were able to stack say 15 (e.g. 11+sp3) exhausts on regular basis he'd be massively OP. On mine it's about 800 atk per debuff, so would equate to 16k overall atk on 15 debuffs!
  • MiggyMiggy Member Posts: 37
    not sure if this has been fixed yet, but if it has it definitely does not work on champions with power gain buff (i.e. AQ map5 morningstar still gains the same amount of power with and without exhaust)
  • NeowantsyouNeowantsyou Member Posts: 198 ★★
    edited April 2018
    His exhaustion only affects mystic dispersion, power gain from Mordo/Cable/Hyperion. That's about it. No effect on power gain nodes.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,393 ★★★★★
    His exhaustion only affects mystic dispersion, power gain from Mordo/Cable/Hyperion. That's about it. No effect on power gain nodes.
    Stork back node work at the same ways but yeah NOT alot.
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  • MiggyMiggy Member Posts: 37
    I'd actually understand it better if it worked for power gain nodes but not for strike back nodes to be honest, as I wouldn't necessarily class the latter as power gain it's just receiving a flat bar of power. I want to check with Kabam that it not functioning as a power gain node counter isn't a bug
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