Luke Cage Exhaust

Hi team,
Really appreciate the buff to LC, pulled him as a 6* and was pretty chuffed - powerful yet balanced champ without much fancy stuff, just raw power with an ability reduction silver lining that isn't big (cause you cal only activate on sp2).
However I do have the question, is his exhaust not meant to stack up like all (or most) other active debuffs in the game? It's difficult to stack up loads of exhaust so thought it'd make sense because usually it's only through his sp3 you can ramp it up.
e.g. if an opponent has 5 exhausts should it not multiply their power gain by ≈76% (0.75*0.75*0.75*.0.75*0.75)?
Really appreciate the buff to LC, pulled him as a 6* and was pretty chuffed - powerful yet balanced champ without much fancy stuff, just raw power with an ability reduction silver lining that isn't big (cause you cal only activate on sp2).
However I do have the question, is his exhaust not meant to stack up like all (or most) other active debuffs in the game? It's difficult to stack up loads of exhaust so thought it'd make sense because usually it's only through his sp3 you can ramp it up.
e.g. if an opponent has 5 exhausts should it not multiply their power gain by ≈76% (0.75*0.75*0.75*.0.75*0.75)?