Infinity Dungeons Discussion Thread



  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Carmel1 wrote: »
    the final boss has degeneration and the attacker regenerate if both mini are down.
    it means that only one of us, me or my friend, can use this fight to heal.
    is it correct or am i missing something?

    That's correct. You'll need to chat with them to determine who ought to take the Boss. There are 2 phrases in Quick Chat to help with this:

    - You take the Boss
    - I'll take the Boss

    What happens if player A dies can Player B finish the fight
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Guzma wrote: »
    Seriously no 5* Blade or Stark Spidey in the 5* crystals? I only care about awakening those 2. Not to mention almost no god tier champs are in these. Why don't you take out the bad champions and put in champions we actually want and can use. Or do you just not want us to have them so we can't clear stuff easily and have to buy stuff?

    Smooth. Real smooth Kabam.

    No god tier champs? SL, Magik, GP, GR, Voodoo, and AA all qualify. You could make a case for Quake. There are some other good champs as well. I'm a little disappointed that Sparky and Medusa aren't in there and I wish there were fewer bad champs.
  • Sith_LordSith_Lord Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Do you have to be in an alliance to play this feature? I have been out of an alliance for 2 months now, & do not plan on rejoining one any time soon...
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Very excited for this event!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Guzma wrote: »
    Seriously no 5* Blade or Stark Spidey in the 5* crystals? I only care about awakening those 2. Not to mention almost no god tier champs are in these. Why don't you take out the bad champions and put in champions we actually want and can use. Or do you just not want us to have them so we can't clear stuff easily and have to buy stuff?

    Smooth. Real smooth Kabam.

    No god tier champs? SL, Magik, GP, GR, Voodoo, and AA all qualify. You could make a case for Quake. There are some other good champs as well. I'm a little disappointed that Sparky and Medusa aren't in there and I wish there were fewer bad champs.

    Exactly, could have been slightly better, but it could have been a lot, lot, lot worse
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    Do you have to be in an alliance to play this feature? I have been out of an alliance for 2 months now, & do not plan on rejoining one any time soon...

    Not at all! That's kinda the whole Idea behind Dungeons: you don't need to commit to a full 30-person group to play a co-operative mode.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    Those crystals will have 95% chance of pulling garbage 5* champs for almost everyone

    Fixed it for you
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    TheKiryu wrote: »
    Lol if i have all of the champs mentioned already duped. This whole event is worth 3 sig stones. Thanks for ruining it kabam lol

    Well if you choose to buy an account with every character already on it. Can't complain to Kabam about that. Lol
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  • VizardVizard Member Posts: 71
    This is amazing, thanks Kabam. Gives me something to really look forward to. Hope it goes off without a hitch!
  • DemonicStalkerDemonicStalker Member Posts: 340 ★★
    Champions NOT in 5* crystal list:

    Mutants: Iceman, Psylocke, Storm, Colossus
    Skill: Blade, Kingpin, Black Panther (Classic), Thor (Rag), Taskmaster
    Science: MODOK, Hulk, Spider Gwen
    Mystic: Dormammu, Mephisto, Morningstar
    Cosmic: Medusa, King Groot, Superior Iron Man, Hela, Venompool, Carnage
    Tech: Stark-Enhanced Spiderman, Yondu, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Vulture, Punisher 20990
  • Vinitlalka1988Vinitlalka1988 Member Posts: 269
    So i have been banned from in game messaging due to excess recruitment (just a guess as i don't know exact reason)....Will i still be able to use quick chat do i effectively communicate with my partner, more so in the case where he is not a friend..just an acquaintance matched with me......
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    My prestige is 3400, but I'm uncollected and have been playing for 7 months. Does that mean I will only have access to the 4* crystals?

    I have seen some end game players with 4k prestige that have been playing for 3 years, I am not sure they will be happy about being excluded because they haven't ranked up 5*. Maybe it should be determined on progression like the EQ, so it is a fairly achievable milestone, instead of a high prestige which is only attainable though ranking up 5* to r4, some of these players might not have the champs that are worthy.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Guzma wrote: »
    Seriously no 5* Blade or Stark Spidey in the 5* crystals? I only care about awakening those 2. Not to mention almost no god tier champs are in these. Why don't you take out the bad champions and put in champions we actually want and can use. Or do you just not want us to have them so we can't clear stuff easily and have to buy stuff?

    Smooth. Real smooth Kabam.

    It's a free event. You can always choose not to do it.
  • Tjk602Tjk602 Member Posts: 85
    When we do each room with our partner, is there a timer when it has to be completed by? Reason I ask is because do we both have to be online at same time to complete within a certain time frame?
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    My prestige is 3400, but I'm uncollected and have been playing for 7 months. Does that mean I will only have access to the 4* crystals?

    I have seen some end game players with 4k prestige that have been playing for 3 years, I am not sure they will be happy about being excluded because they haven't ranked up 5*. Maybe it should be determined on progression like the EQ, so it is a fairly achievable milestone, instead of a high prestige which is only attainable though ranking up 5* to r4, some of these players might not have the champs that are worthy.

    Agree. I have 3600 prestige, which probably is only enough for the 4*s, even though I’m uncollected.
  • GeekArtsGeekArts Member Posts: 94
    Breenio wrote: »
    Are champions that we have in AW defence/attack, AQ ineligible to go into these dungeons? As this is going to spread us pretty thin with 432 things to do simultaneously

    They already answered this question. Yes, you will be able to use champs for dungeons that might already be in use for AQ/AW.
  • xTsunamixTsunami Member Posts: 2
    What are the milestone point requirements and rewards for each and every milestone? I'm wondering what is the most of each special reward you can get from the dungeons (besides gold).
  • TeriGaandMeKadduTeriGaandMeKaddu Member Posts: 54
    Once I receive an invitation, how do I check which champs my partner is bringing to the dungeon before accepting invite? Because if I have my r4 or r5 champs ready, I would like my partner to bring similar quality to the table so we can go as far as we can. I'd not like a scenario where I bring all r4 and r5 champs and the other dude comes up with 4* r5s because his main champs are in cool down period.

    Also how do I check skill level of my partner? Any way to check his previous dungeon history and how many times died etc.?
  • Atul_aryanAtul_aryan Member Posts: 75
    Which version of spiderman is present death crystal of infinity dungeons??
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Forget the hype and all. Real and honest question that I expect to get a real and honest answer from @Kabam Miike.

    Will the next event quest still push out L1 revive from 22H solo event milestones? Infinity Dust blah blah blah are good and all BUT ain't it just ripping people off when you take out the revive this month? I mean the Uncollected quest ain't that easy this month and we make mistakes. Previously, most players grind in arena to get those revive in the 22H solo event milestones to be used in other areas. Now in this month, you guys suddenly took it out? You really think that those revive from Healing Hall are enough? Nope. It's not. Plus, not everyone can do that Healing Hall everyday and Im one of those 'cause I'm busy with other things in life. To keep it short, this month, I won't have enough revive to be used to try 100% Uncollected and have to buy them using units which I intended to be used mostly on potions.
    There aren't many places to get free revive. From the 4H Free Uncollected crystal? That's by chance and not really reliable.

    Like I said, we make mistakes during fight to adjust to the new nodes. Some are skillful and some are not. I'm somewhere in the middle. Those free and guaranteed L1 revive from 22H solo event milestones can help in the long run. Just saying

  • kpkumardtskpkumardts Member Posts: 123
    @Kabam Miike what about the unused Dark Artifacts in the end of the quest.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?
  • Nomercy_4_youNomercy_4_you Member Posts: 44
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?

    Nothing ,this just like on 3-4* arena reward
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?

    Nothing ,this just like on 3-4* arena reward

    I'm hoping they have some fail safe in place to prevent that from happening. Either a new crystal or being unable to pull an already maxed out champ. There isn't a 4* crystal where I don't have at least one maxed already.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?

    Nothing ,this just like on 3-4* arena reward

    I'm hoping they have some fail safe in place to prevent that from happening. Either a new crystal or being unable to pull an already maxed out champ. There isn't a 4* crystal where I don't have at least one maxed already.

    Why would the put a fail safe in for that, kinda defeats the whole point of RNG an the whole crystal system already in place
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?

    Nothing ,this just like on 3-4* arena reward

    I'm hoping they have some fail safe in place to prevent that from happening. Either a new crystal or being unable to pull an already maxed out champ. There isn't a 4* crystal where I don't have at least one maxed already.

    Why would the put a fail safe in for that, kinda defeats the whole point of RNG an the whole crystal system already in place

    Because it would suck to get the milestones each day and not being able to get a champ (or sig level) in return. Pulling something you've maxed out usually gives a max sig crystal, but I doubt that would be the case here, so you'd get literally nothing.
  • Nomercy_4_youNomercy_4_you Member Posts: 44
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    Gwendoline wrote: »
    What happens if you pull a champ that’s already sig 99?

    Nothing ,this just like on 3-4* arena reward

    I'm hoping they have some fail safe in place to prevent that from happening. Either a new crystal or being unable to pull an already maxed out champ. There isn't a 4* crystal where I don't have at least one maxed already.

    Why would the put a fail safe in for that, kinda defeats the whole point of RNG an the whole crystal system already in place

    Because it would suck to get the milestones each day and not being able to get a champ (or sig level) in return. Pulling something you've maxed out usually gives a max sig crystal, but I doubt that would be the case here, so you'd get literally nothing.

    That’s wright if u have maxed champ u will take nothing, but if you don’t have dupe or person u will give new hero or dupe him to lvl 1 sig. Pretty good thing to collect a new 5*s
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