5* Scarlet Witch...5* Black Widow...5* Vision???

Now that we have 6* champions and hella crazy strong 5* champs and 5* maxed at 5/65.
We need to discuss about Bringing 5* Scarlet Witch, 5* Black Widow and 5* Vision to the game!!!!
Let’s get this going, no reason not to now that that you (Kabam) opened the door to 6*’s and all these crazy strong 5*’s.
We need to discuss about Bringing 5* Scarlet Witch, 5* Black Widow and 5* Vision to the game!!!!
Let’s get this going, no reason not to now that that you (Kabam) opened the door to 6*’s and all these crazy strong 5*’s.
I disagree, there reasons from Kabam was about 5*’s and when they were first released.
Now there’s no reason Not to! Also, if we don’t post how do we get things fixed?
So why would a 5* SW, 5* BW or 5* Vision be overpowered??
Especially now that they nerfed SW and BW anyways.
Plus, any content that people with numerous 5*’s would play like Act 5 and soon to come Act6 will have hella strong 6*’s.
Just my 2¢
Now, who's more over-powering among the existing 4*s .... Blade? Srarky? Void? Hulk Coconut (Ragnarok)? Angela? Proxima Midnight (hard to setup, only in long fight)? even the old SL? etc .... Are these more powerful (vs SW, Thor, BW, DS) 4* champs made avail in 5*? Yes. Are these more powerful 4* champs made avail (or will be avail) in 6* pool? Yes for some, likely for the rest in the future.
I left out Wolverine since hard to compare being over-powered vs regen like crazy. Seems newer generation of champs are powerful, but so far none is regenerating like crazy, i.e. matching or better than Wolvy & Deadpool OG, so to avoid too much debates on over-powering regen, let's skip one of the most iconic Marvel characters (sad), but hey Logan is dead (in the movie), so let's let him RIP for awhile.
So, from logical standpoint, it is fair to continue to use the too OP reason to justify why those few can't be brought to 5* and 6*? Hmmm.... probably not. From business standpoint, will Kabam be able to earn more by introducing new champs to 4*/5*/6* vs introducing these few requested to 5*/6*? ..... I don't see how this will impact their revenue, ppl will still go crazy, maybe even more so trying to dupe the new 5* and 6* SW/BW and try to bring them to max sig level.
If they still really worry somehow being too OP (we already talked about them won't be anywhere too OP compared to Blade, Starky, etc), fine then consider tuning down a notch for the SYNERGY of them in 5*/6*, or even scale down a little of their base stats in 5*/6*. Just pls don't make them new junk. Make them powerful and good, but not OP.
Kabam, this can ONLY be:- (1) GOOD FOR YOUR BUSINESS ... and (2) EARN BACK YOUR PLAYERS (many which are angry, leaving and some left) ...... and no, we are NOT asking you to give them free to us , just in case you wonder.
Rigged huh? Someone didn't get what they want in life....
Ops, are we switching topics to drop rate again?
p/s: don't get me wrong, very often RNG God hates me and I didn't get what I want
Mutant: Deadpool (X-Force), Wolverine, Magneto (Marvel Now)
Skill: Black Widow, Daredevil (Classic)
Science: Captain America (WWII), Abomination, Joe Fixit, Electro
Mystic: Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch
Cosmic: Black Bolt, Gamora, Thor, Ms Marvel
Tech: Vision (AOU), War Machine
LOL. 6* Witch, you've won the game. XD
Hint hint
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Wolf
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Loto
@Kabam Zibiit
Uh...Dude,You know what you just did?!
The man with the power of a million suns.
5* OG Vision Offer
You're joking
Maybe should have used 🤣🤣🤣🤣....instead
Here’s your 5* OG Vision, so Shut Up 🤐, But it’s going to cut ya deep for prices