Black Widow's Signature Abilites vs. Sentinels

mcompmcomp Member Posts: 24
I've heard this asked a couple of times, but not sure if her Subtlety, which reduces chance of triggering abilities, has any affect on Sentinels Target Analysis. More so on the armor rating & critical resistance increases per Analysis Charge. Does BW Sig abilities reduce these?


  • Al2QAl2Q Member Posts: 66
    Just tried.... It doesn't work... Sentinels have analysis which reads the movements of the opponents, so BW doesn't reduces it. Correct me if I am wrong. :smile:
  • mcompmcomp Member Posts: 24
    I noticed that too seeing someone use high level SW, but I also noticed her hits still did same damage throughout fight. When using other champ, damage lessened as the fight went on likely due to increased armor from analysis charges. Wish I would have done more testing at that point to verify.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Her ability only works when she attacks the enemy, and it only reduce's their defensive abilities from triggering.
    Sentinel's charges are not a defensive ability, so BW wouldn't work on them
  • mcompmcomp Member Posts: 24
    Sentinel's armor rating & critical resistance increases per Analysis Charge. So, would those be defensive abilities and why BW's damage didn't seem to decrease even when Sentinal had lots of Analysis Charges?
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    His target analysis is passive. You can’t prevent it. But danger sense from blade can prevent the other abilities he gets when he reaches a certain amount of analysis charges
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