Dungeon Team Replacing Questing Team [Known Issue]
Haven’t tried this with event quests, but when I join a story quest with a 5 man team, run a dungeon with a friend, finish that run of story quest and hit “replay”, my questing team is replaced with my 3-champ dungeon team. Kind of annoying and not sure if that was intended.
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
I had a team of 5 Heroes in the Monthly Event Quest on Easy level, and while in that mode I went and played Dungeons. When I came back to the Event Quest my team of 5 Heroes had been replaced by my team of 3 Heroes from the Dungeon.
This is an issue that we're aware of and working on getting a fix for. We put it up immediately as a Known Issue when we released the update.
Now, if you finish the quest and hit "replay" you get the message that some of your champions are used somewhere else (that's because you used champions in dungeons you also have in alliance war or quest ... that me be up to 11 of your strongest champions).