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Which mystic champion to awake as 4* from mystic awakening gem

Which mystic champion to awake as 4* from mystic awakening gem 74 votes

Scarlet witch
DL864Captain_KandicestakRaganatorMarzGroovevg2782INTEGRALTheManMythLegendlozzadudebuffajrRentonXDphillgreenDrake2078Anurag1606Sai_7MasterTroller42Darkrider05Vincew80NOOOOOOOOPEEEEERCunha 55 votes
Spity68Dezz_1SpeedbumpCodornasSgtAnime1SpiderCoolsxananabananaWabobagauravtheslayerVoltolos 10 votes
cx23433 1 vote
Dr strange
Ghost rider
SnakeEyes69RedBaron99bloodyCainMrbeast6000Cosmic_Ray13Hulk_SmellsFakeAccount123EdNorton 8 votes


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    juST4fUNjuST4fUN Posts: 172
    Scarlet witch
    SW doesneed sigs, but even at basiclvl she is still a beast
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    Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,176 ★★★
    Scarlet witch
    SW bro. But needs lot of signature. But she's really really good. After SW will be magik
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    Vincew80Vincew80 Posts: 196 ★★
    Scarlet witch
    SW for sure. She’s the only good one out of them that’s not available as a 5* & she needs to be duped.
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    Before today? SW. But right now, might wanna keep an eye on those prestige discussions.
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    Sai_7Sai_7 Posts: 246
    Scarlet witch
    SW is still on of the best in the game. The more sig stones yu get on her the more insane she gets. Its not gonna gain yu any prestige.. but does that matter !? depends on your situation.. but again the other best option would be Magik , consolation to GR if yu have Blade & Stark Spidey
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    cx23433cx23433 Posts: 465 ★★
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    PandoraFlamePandoraFlame Posts: 110
    Scarlet witch
    Oh to have a 4* Scarlet Witch
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    KingsamKingsam Posts: 109
    Don't waste you time on 4* they don't serve purpose now
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    OmairOmair Posts: 19
    Scarlet witch
    Thanks guys it was a hard job to do for me bcs iv cleared uncollected and everything except labyrinth ghost rider is cool even without awaken and i put it on sw bcs i already have magik rank 4 as 5* but not awaken ill go for her if i got a chance
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