I can take one of them to rank 4. Rulk is awakened with sig level 20 but Sabretooth is still unawakened. Who’s better damage dealer overall in your opinion?
I’ve heard his awakening ability isn’t that useful, his regen isn’t that much overall so I thought it wouldn’t matter. Is he worth class awakening gem in your opinion?
Sabertooth is an amazing damage dealer, although there is a ramp up to get said good damage. He's also only one of two iceman counters, as far as avoiding coldsnap that is. Personally I'd go him cause I enjoy using him more them red hulk but red hulk also does nice damage and is pretty much poison immune, he also has a resistance to incinerate for memory.
No I wouldn’t but it’s makes him really useful on defense of the person doesn’t have a heal block and I’m not sure if this is useful for offense but it gives his fury extra ability accuracy
Red Hulk at rank 4 is finishing ROL champs in approx. 200 hits while I've heard Sabretooth (with 15 fury stacks) is doing it in just over 100 hits. Don't know if that's true but if so then the damage difference is substantial,
I've got both at r3 duped and both are really good but until t2a become more accessible neither will go to r4. Sabertooth's Regen isn't that useful unless you are in a very long fight , even then it just gives some of the damage taken back. Rulks Regen is actually better for offensive use but for defense Sabertooth's Regen is needed. Rulk has a little more utility and Sabertooth has better damage potential which is saying something because Rulk hits pretty hard. I'd prefer a r4 Gladiator Hulk over Rulk but not by much. If I had to pick out Sabertooth and Rulk it would probably be Rulk..he's really good. As nice as Sabertooth is if I want damage dealers I'd go with Starlord or Sparks.