Compensation for Materials Used Under False Pretenses

I would like an explanation as to why players who used shards / rank up materials to hit the old Dungeon Prestige requirements have no recourse.
When the dungeon prestige gates were discovered Kabam Miike stated they were necessary to prevent players from getting too powerful of items. While I disagreed with the cutoff, I said fine I will reach the prestige needed. I used stones and 6* shards I didn’t want to use yet so I could grind the final milestone and receive all rewards.
The next day Kabam realizes they were getting a lot of pushback and changes course lowering the req significantly. This is poor communication at its finest. People who used materials to reach prestige levels should get the items returned. How would you like it if your boss said you need to buy a specific new computer to use at work then the day after you buy it say never mind you can use the old one?
I’ve reached out to support and DMd Kabam employees and gotten a bunch of vague replies that don’t come close to answering my question.
@Kabam Wolf @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_
When the dungeon prestige gates were discovered Kabam Miike stated they were necessary to prevent players from getting too powerful of items. While I disagreed with the cutoff, I said fine I will reach the prestige needed. I used stones and 6* shards I didn’t want to use yet so I could grind the final milestone and receive all rewards.
The next day Kabam realizes they were getting a lot of pushback and changes course lowering the req significantly. This is poor communication at its finest. People who used materials to reach prestige levels should get the items returned. How would you like it if your boss said you need to buy a specific new computer to use at work then the day after you buy it say never mind you can use the old one?
I’ve reached out to support and DMd Kabam employees and gotten a bunch of vague replies that don’t come close to answering my question.
@Kabam Wolf @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_
1) Kabam is not, nor should they ever be your boss
2) You should never need to buy work equipment out of pocket or without getting reimbursed
I notice you didn’t actually argue the substance of my comment. Just an uncessacary shot at an analogy. Which works by the way.
@SuperFarz I’m not even asking for anything extra. Just return the items I used. Not that ridiculous of a request.
Considering there are posts agreeing with me, your claim that everyone else will disagree is off base.
I'm afraid the analogy doesn't work at all. The usefulness of an analogy is to compare one situation to another in which the core elements of the original situation are represented in the analogy in a simpler manner. Your analogy fails to represent the original situation in any meaningful way.
When your boss tells you to buy a new computer, you generally have no choice but to do so. Also, generally speaking most businesses compensate employees for mandatory purchases in the first place so you wouldn't be out of pocket. In every way, the analogized situation doesn't represent the situation with MCOC at all.
The prestige gate was an entirely optional gate. In this game, there is a presumption that reaching progress milestones will unlock better rewards, and that statement will always be true. It is also presumed that the pace at which you attempt to reach those milestones is entirely up to you, and at no time are you being forced to reach them quickly. Kabam didn't force you to expend more resources than you would want to in order to reach that prestige milestone, it only stated that the *opportunity* to achieve higher rewards was unlocked by achieving it. Kabam doesn't even guarantee higher rewards, only the potential to do so.
To repair your analogy, you'd have to consider the situation where your boss said that they were opening a new office in China, but only people who spoke Chinese would be allowed to transfer there. But the pay and benefits would be 30% higher for employees willing to relocate. So you decided to spend your own money learning Chinese. A month later, your boss tells you that the company changed their minds and decided not to open that office after all. Are you entitled to demand that the company pay you back for those language lessons because they "misrepresented" the situation to you?
I think most people would say no. That was your choice, based on the current information at hand, but the company made no commitment to you they are forced to honor if they change their minds.
The whole situation sucks, dungeons are a fiasco and I feel for you but Kabam will Kabam.. you have to know this by now.
The event runs for a limited time with limited rewards. If you want to get certain ones (i.e. the 5* AG) then time was certainly a deciding factor.
Also personally, I'd at least ask to be compensated for Chinese lessons. If the company values you as an employee there is a good chance they'd comply. And if not, what's the harm in being told no.
Damn son, Dungeon milestones were adjusted 2 days into the event. You coudln't just wait that long?
Also, I did quick math and realized you need every day/milestone for the the 3 5* crystals. The extra infinity dust also really adds up and could be the difference between gettting the 5* AG or not. And actually because I missed a day I might still be short on the 3rd crystal unless they change something.
Actually, I did address that, directly. You're ironically complaining about me ignoring your point, when in fact you've apparently completely ignored mine.
No one told you to do anything. That's the error in your analogy, and it is there because of an error in your thinking. Kabam only made a statement about the state of the game at that moment in time, and that statement did not command you to do anything. It only implied there was an opportunity to earn more rewards for players that achieved a certain progress metric. They made no promise to you that would never change or tell you to spend resources to reach that metric ahead of when you ordinarily would have. Kabam is like the boss I mention above that only said people who speak Chinese would get a new opportunity. The boss didn't force you to learn Chinese, and made no promises to you about being guaranteed a reward for spending money to learn Chinese. You did that on your own, took the risk on your own, and bear the costs if that risk doesn't pan out.
It would be unfair if Kabam told you to do something and then changed their minds after you did it. Let me know when Kabam tells you to do something. Did Kabam tell you to spend resources on RoL? Did Kabam tell you to spend resources on LoL? Act 4? Act 5? The Collector? No. Those things contain rewards, and in some cases they also unlock opportunities for other rewards, like Uncollected status. But *you* choose how and when to tackle them, and how much resources if any to spend on them. If you do it today, you get rewards sooner. If you do it later, you get rewards later. That choice is entirely yours.
So far, the only thing Kabam has told me to do is not make quips about plane crashes.
With your Chinese language analogy, you weren't guaranteed the promotion. If I hit the prestige milestone I was guaranteed to unlock the milestones. There was less implied risk. Also ROL, LOL and Story quests do not fit here. They are permanent features. These rewards are temporary and if you can't grind the milestones from day 1 you won't have access to them.
We clearly disagree with how they handled it, so I'll leave it at that. I understand no one forced me to hit the prestige gate, and that if I wanted the materials more than I wanted to unlock the new rewards I could have kept them. I also know I have a very slim chance of getting my materials back. I just find it a bit shady how they handled the communication and subsequent requirement change.
Unfortunately I can't take credit for that premise, as it is the premise for all multiplayer progressional games that I'm aware of, without exception.