Leaving an aliance after SA finished.

So, I was in an alliance all week and participated in SA. Number 10 overall. I found and moved to a new alliance about 2 mins after the SA was done, but I haven't been given the rewards for the alliance making rank. Shouldn't I be given the rewards since I was in the alliance for the entire event?
Exactly, I've been with my alliance for almost two years.
How does a start out player get THAT alliance.
I believe jumping alliance is like a part of the game at lower levels like below Lvl 40 or so.
Plus not all of us get lucky to get understanding alliances
I agree with you and can say I didn't start in the alliance I have been in for the last two years. I was in three alliances prior to it. But the constant jumping is detrimental. Honestly the best thing I've found is referrals. Don't be afraid to friend guys in big alliances. Sometimes because of their connections they can point you to good, stable alliances.
As for the SA Rewards, you have to be in the Ally at the time they're given. Has more to do with how the computer awards them. If you contributed and are not in lock-out, you will get them. They're sent on an Ally-by-Ally basis is why. Not to separate people. That would be quite complex for the system.
I just think it's silly how much info is not provided in game and must be searched and sought after on the forums.
Yeah, but the new alliance isn't doing SA this week, so at least I get to save to help them out. In the long run, I think switching was good for me, the new alliance runs AQ and AW better.