Change rewards in daily calender
Dear Kabam,
I am playing this game since last 3 years but my interest in this game is going down because of daily calender rewards.
If you can improve it by user's level then that would be really appreciated like
if user cross level 40 then he will get 4 star shards,
if user cross level 30 then he will get 3 star shards likewise
if you can code the game like this then users will take interest to open games daily just for rewards and they will also play more games.
I am playing this game since last 3 years but my interest in this game is going down because of daily calender rewards.
If you can improve it by user's level then that would be really appreciated like
if user cross level 40 then he will get 4 star shards,
if user cross level 30 then he will get 3 star shards likewise
if you can code the game like this then users will take interest to open games daily just for rewards and they will also play more games.
Dude. Be grateful you are getting free stuff just to LOG IN. What more do you want? In a year, you'll demand 6* AGs in the calendar. Quit whining.
Perhaps Kabam can change other facets of the game to better reward players who have been around for a while, but the login calendar is probably not the best choice.
If the free calendar keeps you playing then your priorities are not right.
For extremely veteran folks who have almost forgotten how was it like to be at low level 1-30, login calendar is NOTHING and they don't even care if it is removed.
For whales, maybe they even find the login calendar a nuisance and insulting.
Different players at different level feels differently about Login Calendar. Going to ask to remove it is too extreme. "Oh I drive a sports car, bicycle is lame and let's ban all bicycles?" ..... this is not cool
But it is free, so free is always good. Has it improved? Once awhile on a specific month, the calendar has decent stuff. Shall it be improved? It is something worth suggesting, and it is something Kabam can certainly make it better to win back some of the disgusted players.
If Kabam remove it, even a 3-year old can predict what will be the reaction of the players, and if they were to do so, then they really sucks in doing business, might as well shutdown the whole company.
If Kabam takes the opportunity to surprise the players with some good free gifts, ESPECIALLY AFTER SO MANY SCREW-UPs, then they have someone smart to at least know how to win the players. By players, it means ALL THE BEGINNERS + PROGRESSING players + VETERAN + WHALES. Veterans alone do NOT represent the whole player base.
If you haven’t achieved being Uncollected you’ll get 1 PHC per week. But if you’ve become Uncollected it takes 2 weeks for 1 GMC. Which is basically just a 3* Champ most of the time. That’s something you can occasionally get from a PHC.
It’d be slightly different if there were more ways to get GMC shards. Like if once you were Uncollected you’d get GMC shards instead of PHC shards for milestones.
Loyalty chips should be moved to daily and arenas helps should be removed all together
expired food means its a lesser version of good food. phc shards are still phc shards.
If a company does something you don't like, what do you do? write angrily worded letters over and over? or do you start avoiding their products? shopping somewhere else?
If a store is giving our rotten food, do you still shop there?
If you don't like the product kabam is giving out, why still play?
I disagree that there should be a new daily calendar. I just wish there were more places to earn GMC shards
You're kidding yourself if you think they listened just to postings. Re: boycott and the actions involved.
Also, I'm personally not against suggestions here, I just disagree and I'll voice my opinion too
Well. If the store allowed purchases like reusable cloth shopping bags that were expensive, but gave a discount (only at that store). Along with some other things that made me invested in the store. Sure, I’d sooner write a letter about the free rotten food they handed out, & voice my opinion before looking for a new store & starting all over again.
Saying that something should be reviewed & possibly updated doesn’t mean you don’t like the product in its entirety, but merely a very small portion of it.
That’s my opinion since there’s not a lot of ways to get GMC’s without Units.
I don't think people should complain about the calendar much BUT I also don't consider it "free". I lose lots of items due to glitches that it "feels" more like compensation and I appreciate that.
I could be wrong, but I'll take my calendar items please to replace items I used from game glitches.
I agree that daily uncollected rewards and calendar are great.
It should not be removed and I don't feel like I'm getting something for nothing. There's no other avenue currently that attempts to recover unnecessarily lost items or at least some useful items in return.