Wouldn’t Blank Be Cool If They Did Blank?

A post for ridiculous memes about terrible OP changes to characters
I’ll start:
Wouldn’t Void be cool if every attack he did does a Power Steal?
I’ll start:
Wouldn’t Void be cool if every attack he did does a Power Steal?
Wouldn't Hood be cool if he went invisible after every special attack?
Wouldn’t KaWam be cool if they took a W
Maybe this was funnier in my head
Like wouldn’t Taskmaster be cool if his learning abilities or whatnot didn’t expire and just stacked instead?
That actually sounds like a fun EQ boss! Kabam knows exactly how to make outrageous EQ fights!!! Just look at this month!
And his degen damage is amplified by (insert number Kabam) if the loading screen takes longer than 20 seconds. 👍😆👍
Old Man Logan doesn't go berserk, he gets annoyed. I think he should get a buff that allows him to cut a % off of his opponent's health through a block. Adamantium doesn't get the respect it deserves in this game.
Wouldnt it be cool if dorm couldnt be incinerated...
Wouldntnit be cool if AA had regen
Don’t be so quick to judge, he’s my top dust collector..
Of topic, but why is Thor ragnarok a skill champion, OG Thor is cosmic. I swear he just has swords instead of a hammer and a different costume...
Covered in lightning, yet can be shocked. Sure.
Like ghost rider being incinerated, even though he’s on fire.
Cause Kabam only saw the trailer, not the movie.
Cause they prolly designed the character based on commercials and before watching the actual movie...it’s not like they roll these champs out overnight, it takes months to work on them.
Makes sense, right?
Champs can be updated they’ve been out for a while, especially ghost rider.
Plus, you don’t need to watch a movie to know that fire would in anyway damage ghost rider.
Same with Thor, he literally controls lightning...
Come along now, we don’t want dumb nerfing, we want crazy OPing!
Atleast people wouldn’t complain about pulling 6* DP