Marvel Insider Rewards?

I have been waiting for my Marvel Insider Nebula and Groot packs for the whole week, I know it said the rewards were to be delivered between the 19th and the 23rd, but seeing as I haven't received it all week, it probably won't show up at all.
I have only received the Guardians Starter Pack, witht he 2* Guardians crystal.
Has anyone else received their rewards? Am I alone here?
I have been waiting for my Marvel Insider Nebula and Groot packs for the whole week, I know it said the rewards were to be delivered between the 19th and the 23rd, but seeing as I haven't received it all week, it probably won't show up at all.
I have only received the Guardians Starter Pack, witht he 2* Guardians crystal.
Has anyone else received their rewards? Am I alone here?
I redeemed the Nebula Pack as well.
I see. The nebula pack was supposed to be given out this week (19th-23rd)
Yes. Still waiting. Insider needs some work on execution. Lol.
I hope they deliver them at all, I remember I got my Doctor Voodoo pack promptly when they said they would deliver it.
Richtheman already contacted them, he helps us
Alright thanks. Damn that kinda sucks that they can't deliver them sooner lol
I hope you guys have at least some input into these things, but the Marvel Insider rewards are cool. If you have any involvement into it (you don't have to admit it) please keep it up. It's fun and so easy to take advantage of.