Community advice on this aw battle would like to know if this is possible

We face an alliance today who took our r5 dorm with 2 node up with Hyperion with no boost he soled our aw boss one shot I don’t want to report and say it’s impossible but would like community feedback on what to do with this situation. We lost the war since these. Guys were on some node don’t exist for them I Happen to take a pic and would like to know if this achievable I’m posting pic now we are p2 in aw

Not doable, power gain would trigger Dorm’s degen before Hyperion could do 300-400K+ damage on stun immune Dorm.
0% chance.
Invulnerability boosts don’t prevent degeneration damage. 10X fury would KO Hyperion by degeneration and adaptive would keep a noded 5* Dormammu going for too long before Hyperion could do 300-400K+ damage.
4* r5 noded Dormammu soloed by Hyperion is worth investigating. I have yet to see video of someone soloing a 5* r4 non-noded Dormammu with anyone besides Magik and Gladiator Hulk (sorry Blade). 5* r5 noded-Dormammu soloed with Hyperion is not possible.
Not sure what tier we are talking about but based on my experience using Blade, Iceman and Voodoo they are all capable of soloeing 5* R4 Dorm. I never tried fighting a noded one though.
Speaking from tier 3 in my experience. I use a r5 5* Voodoo. He “COULD” solo a 5* r4 Dorm with flawless intercepting and baiting but it’s very unlikely, Voodoo’s best strategy against Dorm is his power burn and each time that buff expires increases the chance of Dorm’s degen doing 2K+ damage. I’ve soloed a 5* r4 Medusa boss in tier 3 with Voodoo without using boosts, Dorm is much harder especially with MD.
The OP’s question was about a r5 Dorm. See my quotes comment for my answer. Also, post a video link if you know where to find video of someone soloing a 5* r4-5 Dorm boss in tier 1-3 with Blade of Iceman, never seen either get the job done.