Who wants the chance to open champion you want

The 4,5 and 6 star champions crystals give only one tier champs so, get the chance to acquire the 4,5 or 6 star champion you like.
Who wants the chance to open champion you want 69 votes
We like the idea
39 votes
We don’t like the idea
30 votes
Love you bro thanks for understanding me i hope i get sentry in my next pull
As such, kabam would be forced to nerf said champs forcing the community to change tactics and unleashing a migraine inducing flood of complaining in the forums.
So no, whats the point of playing the game when pp all want similar champs.
God knows I'd love to have a 4 star or higher Mystic champ to round out my roster lol
Yes i agree and everyone can get any champ so even choosing a champion of your choice is no different
I never said that I wouldn’t. That doesn’t change the fact that it’d be broken af.