Does Void Need to be awakened to be great? Is a 4* Void worth a Generic?

When I’m asking is void worth a Generic, I’m talking about 4*s. 5*s are a whole new animal.
Does Void Need to be awakened to be great? Is a 4* Void worth a Generic? 83 votes
If you have a high Sig level I’m him, just keep spamming the sp1. After he applies all the debuff sand after 5 seconds, hey gains “fear of the void” and has increased attack for 40 seconds or so. Then just keep spamming the sp1.
What if he is unduped?
Unduped, Void can place 2 stacks each of 3 unique intimidating presence debuffs on the opponent: agility, precision, and petrify. Once you have 2 stacks of each intimidating presence debuffs (6 total debuffs), a short timer starts. When the timer expires, the debuffs fall off and you essentially start the process over. Keep in mind that Void does direct damage over time for each unique debuff placed on the enemy. The more unique debuffs you have, the more direct damage is done. This includes stuns from parries and weakness from the resonate mastery, though these mastery-based don't affect the intimidating presence debuffs and won't cause them to fall off.
When duped, Void will behave the same way at the beginning of the fight. However, when 6 IP debuffs are placed and the timer expires, instead of falling off, the debuffs turn into a Fear of the Void passive debuff. This FOV does a number of things. It combines all the effects of the 6 IP debuffs you placed before. While, FOV doesn't cause any direct damage over time itself, it will enhance the damage over time done by any other debuffs placed, essentially doubling the damage over time done by debuffs. Plus, you can begin stacking new IP debuffs, drastically reducing evade abilities, critical rating, and reversing power gain and regeneration in opponents. Finally, FOV grants a HUGE boost to Void's attack power. At high sig levels, his attacks will basically double in strength. If you play aggressively, you can keep FOV going indefinitely once it's placed.
Some champs like Luke Cage and Gwenpool are very effective at sig level 1. Void is a champ who scales very well at high levels and becomes an absolute powerhouse if you can give him a high sig level.
Very insightful, thanks