Improve the arena system

In my opinion, the arena system is broken. It favors the players with the most champions and the most time on their hands. I have a decent roster, but I had no chance of getting Punisher in the recent arena, because even if i grinded for a full 72 hours, I wouldn't have been able to get enough points without spending units/money. Kabam should change the arena system so that players are put into brackets based on their total hero rating and number of heroes, that way players could play against players at their own level, and thus have a greater chance of obtaining a featured hero. They could also decrease the number of players who get the featured champ to balance it all out. This would make the arena more skill based, and players of all levels would have an equal opportunity to obtain a hero that they want. If you agree with me, disagree with me, or have any suggestions, then please leave them down below and hopefully, Kabam will correct this issue and arena will be better for all of us.
you get the same advice as everyone else, aim for basic champs that wont have a ridiculous cutoff score, join every basic and featured arena and go for all the milestone rewards to improve your roster and obtain shards.
The new Arena is much better than the old system. Not everyone will get Champs. That's just how the contest works. As frustrating as it is, that is the motivation to build Rosters and improve skills. It doesn't take long before you start to build momentum. It just takes time and consistent effort.
There are two types of ultramarthons. The first type is how fast you can run a specified distance. This is your typical marathon but the distance is longer than the standard 42.195 kilometers (km).
The second type is based on how far can you run during a specified time period. There are 24-hour day races and multi-day races. So for example, the winner of a 24-hour day race is the one who ran the furthest during a 24-hour period.
The athlete Yiannis Kouros ( is a dominate figure in the sport. He still holds the world record for the 2-day track ultramarthon at 473 km as one of his 6 world records. He ran over 1000 km in 6-day timed events.
The Marvel Contest of Champion arena is a multi-day timed event ultramarathon race.
If Kouros was an MCOC player instead of a real athlete, he would had complained to the sporting committees that these ultramarthons are broken, it isn't based on skill, and not everyone has the time to run these timed events.
So when someone who has a life is racing against someone who doesn't work and has all the time in the world to train, the results are obvious: we keep losing to people who don't have a life.
I do support your idea of more Bracket tbh, people after 2 months being put in the same one as 2+ years players seems unfair, a middle bracket (2-6 months) might fit well. But the arena system is fine as it is
The Arena is the same amount of time for everyone. It also takes time. What you're arguing is that people who invest less time deserve the same as people who invest more. That doesn't make sense at all. For that matter, many of us have lives and obligations, and still find time to Grind. That's time management. If not, we don't have time to compete. Quite simple. It's not necessary to get every Champ, and if we don't have time, then we don't have time. Ranking your Roster allows you to do more Points in less time. It still requires effort. It's a contest. If we don't have time to compete, we don't get the Champ.
That being said, I hate the arena system. The uncertainty of cutoffs just pushes the scores higher every month. I wouldn't be surprised if Iceman, Gwenpool, and Dormamu go for 7+ million.
Thats exactly what will happen and will get a baseline cutoff after round 1 to see if its worth grinding for round 2.
That works until the algorithm places you with Duped Punisher and LC all the time and a LOT more annoying bulky champs
Out of all the lame arena change suggestions there have been this has to be the worst. It is not difficult to maintain a full time job, family, and social life and still grind. I do it every week.
Actually, it does.
Imagine growing up in a "sport" system where everyone gets a participation ribbon for "winning" (oh excuse me, for showing up).
Even those players who sat on the bench the entire game on the losing team gets the same reward as those who spent all of the effort of winning for the winning team.
When you grow up in a system like this, all you want is to reap the rewards. You won't give a rat's ass about the effort it needs to win it because it didn't matter before.
PvP games like MCOC only encourages this type of thinking. In sports, there's only 1 winner in a contest. There's only 1 gold medal winner. There's only 1 world record holder for a specific event.
In MCOC, you can have hundreds or even thousands depending on the selected arena. The 800th ranked player didn't spend the same amount of effort as the 400th ranked player but they both get the same reward. It is like having 800 world record holders for 2-day track ultramarthon instead of having only 1.
I take issue with the last statement "will be better for all of us". Over the course of almost 2 years, I've grinded like crazy and tailored my roster and masteries (which costs me in other areas) to be successful in arena. Was I able to snag features from the start? Heck no, it took a long time. Now that I'm there, it's utter nonsense to diminish the pool of featured champs in your proposed bracket system, which has been proposed many times before.
You want it all now, right? Do you remember an MCOC without crystal shards, catalyst fragments, monthly quests, etc? I sure do. There have been so many improvements in regards to roster development, but it appears that's not enough for you. What about those of us who paid our dues to get to the point we are now so we can get featured champs? Not about us, right?
This is the best answer.
I remember a time when you had to score like a billion points just to get the first premium hero crystal from milestones. Back in those days, "premium" actually meant premium and they made it tough to get. Now it rains.
The OPs claims of grinding the full 72 hours and not getting the hero is a bit off anyway.
Let's pretend 18,000 points per match and each match lasted 5 minutes because he's an android user.
72 hours * 60 mins = 4320 mins.
So that's 4320 / 5 = 864 matches.
864 * 18,000 = 15.5 million points.
I seriously doubt Mr. Rank 800 had to score 15.5 million points.
Nevertheless, people since day 1 wanted to make "improvements" to a "broken" arena.
Mr. Graph Boy --not his actual user id or game name -- wanted to implement an "account-wide" stamina for arenas so that your roster size would not play a role. And to keep the whales happy, the only way to get more stamina is to pay, besides waiting for the stamina refresh. That was back in December 2014. And we would later try that idea the following August as "pym canisters" but Kabam gave us a way to earn more "account-wide" stamina without having to pay all the time like Graph Boy wanted.
Graph Boy was also one of the first people to encourage the sharing of cut-offs and then graph the results for each arena. He was also one of the folks who can't manage to score 50k points during those week long arenas and as a beta player he was like level 26 or something by end of December. This is the guy that wanted to "improve" the game.
Good times.
Good times.
Soon as someone mentions participation ribbon and somebody gotta get butt hurt. Whoever flagged your post bud I feel sorry for how crappy of a life they have, because they obviously live for rewards without work. Nice post by the way. In my eyes you hit the nail on the head.
As for you dude correct me if I'm wrong, but what I see is you're basically saying it's unfair that if you have a job or go to school you can't win the champions... Although in life there are people out there who could have broken world records or even competed in events they had passion for, but gave up on it for things such as work, a family, schooling ect. It's a choice to be made & if the passion is there and you want it bad enough you will do what it takes to win & that goes exactly for the people who compete for champs. the ones that want it the most do what is needed to ensure they get it & they are surrounded by a bunch of sub-par players who make excuses & whine when they don't get it because they are not willing to do what it takes.
P.S only whiners flag post.
Real Men Confront and address the issue
Those Rewards already exist, and they're geared towards helping people build Rosters to compete better. I wasn't implying that people don't deserve Rewards. Just stating that it's a contest. Champs go to those that put enough Points up. It's by definition a competition with varying requirements. The argument was about not being able to compete with others who were putting up enough Points. That's not entirely true with effort and progression. It takes time.
I was at 190k when that whole fiasco with 12.0 and compensation went on, yet I can say I'm not "pissed" that I missed out on a 5* awakening gem crystal. Yeah would of been nice but at the end of the day my rating did not meet the cut that Kabam set, so no reason to be angry about it.