Improve the arena system



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  • PistolPrincess1PistolPrincess1 Member Posts: 25
    First off, OP doesn't state what his roster is for arena runs, just states it's "decent".... if he has a low number of teams, then yes it's gonna be harder work to get the champ; if he has a high number of teams, then it's just putting time and effort to score decently.

    Maybe just do all milestones in the basic/featured arenas for rewards and to get rank rewards... There are other ways to "improve" your roster without grinding in arenas, do story mode to get crystals/shards for completion/exploration, do aw/aq for rewards/alliance event miletsones, do monthly quests (all levels) for rewards, crystals/shards, do alliance events (and if you're in a crappy alliance, find a new one), solo events, etc...

    I've been playing since launch of the game and had to put forth hours of arena griding for champs in the beginning, yes it was frustrating and with shards in every quest/event, you should be able to get a decent amount of champs monthly, as do I, without arena grinding.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    First off, OP doesn't state what his roster is for arena runs, just states it's "decent".... if he has a low number of teams, then yes it's gonna be harder work to get the champ; if he has a high number of teams, then it's just putting time and effort to score decently.

    Maybe just do all milestones in the basic/featured arenas for rewards and to get rank rewards... There are other ways to "improve" your roster without grinding in arenas, do story mode to get crystals/shards for completion/exploration, do aw/aq for rewards/alliance event miletsones, do monthly quests (all levels) for rewards, crystals/shards, do alliance events (and if you're in a crappy alliance, find a new one), solo events, etc...

    I've been playing since launch of the game and had to put forth hours of arena griding for champs in the beginning, yes it was frustrating and with shards in every quest/event, you should be able to get a decent amount of champs monthly, as do I, without arena grinding.
    Actually, Arena is not a way to improve the roster, because you need an already improved roster for grind Arenas.

    It's because I think Arenas are failing.
    Arena were stated for build rosters then people is dissatisfied when they cannot build their rosters.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Would love a auto fight option on arena
  • TeeJayFlashTeeJayFlash Member Posts: 152
    xNig wrote: »
    Jotaro wrote: »
    Improve your roster and schedule.


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  • PistolPrincess1PistolPrincess1 Member Posts: 25
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    First off, OP doesn't state what his roster is for arena runs, just states it's "decent".... if he has a low number of teams, then yes it's gonna be harder work to get the champ; if he has a high number of teams, then it's just putting time and effort to score decently.

    Maybe just do all milestones in the basic/featured arenas for rewards and to get rank rewards... There are other ways to "improve" your roster without grinding in arenas, do story mode to get crystals/shards for completion/exploration, do aw/aq for rewards/alliance event miletsones, do monthly quests (all levels) for rewards, crystals/shards, do alliance events (and if you're in a crappy alliance, find a new one), solo events, etc...

    I've been playing since launch of the game and had to put forth hours of arena griding for champs in the beginning, yes it was frustrating and with shards in every quest/event, you should be able to get a decent amount of champs monthly, as do I, without arena grinding.

    Actually, Arena is not a way to improve the roster, because you need an already improved roster for grind Arenas.

    It's because I think Arenas are failing.
    Arena were stated for build rosters then people is dissatisfied when they cannot build their rosters.

    I agree, thats why i suggested other options for the OP to improve his roster outside of the arena, and only stated that he should do arena for milestones...thats what I do. I haven't "grinded" for a champ in a really long time.
  • PistolPrincess1PistolPrincess1 Member Posts: 25
    CpcBoyboy wrote: »
    Fthewigg wrote: »
    Impressed to see most of the comments laying waste to op's ideas.

    I take issue with the last statement "will be better for all of us". Over the course of almost 2 years, I've grinded like crazy and tailored my roster and masteries (which costs me in other areas) to be successful in arena. Was I able to snag features from the start? Heck no, it took a long time. Now that I'm there, it's utter nonsense to diminish the pool of featured champs in your proposed bracket system, which has been proposed many times before.

    You want it all now, right? Do you remember an MCOC without crystal shards, catalyst fragments, monthly quests, etc? I sure do. There have been so many improvements in regards to roster development, but it appears that's not enough for you. What about those of us who paid our dues to get to the point we are now so we can get featured champs? Not about us, right?

    I remember a time when you had to score like a billion points just to get the first premium hero crystal from milestones. Back in those days, "premium" actually meant premium and they made it tough to get. Now it rains.

    The OPs claims of grinding the full 72 hours and not getting the hero is a bit off anyway.

    Let's pretend 18,000 points per match and each match lasted 5 minutes because he's an android user.

    72 hours * 60 mins = 4320 mins.

    So that's 4320 / 5 = 864 matches.

    864 * 18,000 = 15.5 million points.

    I seriously doubt Mr. Rank 800 had to score 15.5 million points.

    Nevertheless, people since day 1 wanted to make "improvements" to a "broken" arena.

    Mr. Graph Boy --not his actual user id or game name -- wanted to implement an "account-wide" stamina for arenas so that your roster size would not play a role. And to keep the whales happy, the only way to get more stamina is to pay, besides waiting for the stamina refresh. That was back in December 2014. And we would later try that idea the following August as "pym canisters" but Kabam gave us a way to earn more "account-wide" stamina without having to pay all the time like Graph Boy wanted.

    Graph Boy was also one of the first people to encourage the sharing of cut-offs and then graph the results for each arena. He was also one of the folks who can't manage to score 50k points during those week long arenas and as a beta player he was like level 26 or something by end of December. This is the guy that wanted to "improve" the game.

    Good times.

    Good times.

    18k per match? lol i m at 30k because im playing only with my 4r5 or all my 5* i have 28 5* i can play and win all arenas , but it takes times a lot of my lifetime;;..

    Yes, but you can only use 5*s in the "featured" arena, not the basic. I'm sure the above listed points per match was based on the basic arena where only 3*/4*s can be used.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    It isn't just about time either. There are guys out there pulling half a million points in under 10 that and the added time...yeah we are at a deep disadvantage as casual players. But you can still keep building and growing. You aren't ever gonna catch up with the armchair Hercules. I do think Kabam should give us more in the way of opportunities for T4cc the number of shards in the "Proving grounds" has dropped since the first ones has dropped...that would at least close the gap more and more quickly.
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  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Okay, I disagree with everyone and agree with everyone all at the same time here. Arena is meant to build rosters. To win arena, you have to have a large roster. But arena is what is supposed to build that roster. So, to win arena, you have to win arena. Make sense?

    With the recent changes to the arena system, there is a new arena called Summoner Trials. This arena awards not direct champions, but shards. This is meant to be for players who can't compete in the main arenas due to lack of roster size. For now, I'd suggest to the OP and anyone else having that problem to stick with Summoner Trials. Just hope you can pull some more 3 and 4 stars from the shards you earn.

    The recent changes to the arena system were meant to make it easier to get the champs you want. This did not happen whatsoever. The old arena system was impossible to win unless you were a veteran with an insane roster, a guy with nothing to do for three days, or a big spender. Many don't fit into those categories, so they tried making things easier. Summoner Trials helped out the new players, and the added arena for older champs helped out the rest of us who didn't fit into those previously mentioned categories. After all, adding another 4* arena into the mix would reduce the time required to win whatever you're going for by one-half, right? Wrong. Many of us who didn't used to fit into those three categories had given up on arena long ago. We all knew we had no chance at getting in the top 10%, so why try? This second 4* arena brought many of those players back into the mix. The re-addition of these players just held the cutoff for these champs at about the same place it used to be. It still takes relatively the same amount of time, money, and roster power to be competitive in arena. Every once in awhile, you'll get some champ that few people go for, so you'll have a super low cutoff like Winter Soldier had. But, for the most part, the problem that most players couldn't compete in arena was not resolved. Adding another arena option also brought more players, which just held the cutoffs too high for the average user. The only way to truly solve this issue is to put in some better bracketing systems instead of more arenas. More arenas result in more players. Unless there's going to be like 10 arenas, which is way too easy, the extra players just negate the use of the new arena. I know, bracketing is hard to program and explain, but it needs to happen. The problem isn't going away with this new system. The average player can't get the champ they want any easier than before. We just have to wander the forums, asking and hoping about champs having low cutoffs.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Okay, I disagree with everyone and agree with everyone all at the same time here. Arena is meant to build rosters. To win arena, you have to have a large roster. But arena is what is supposed to build that roster. So, to win arena, you have to win arena. Make sense?

    With the recent changes to the arena system, there is a new arena called Summoner Trials. This arena awards not direct champions, but shards. This is meant to be for players who can't compete in the main arenas due to lack of roster size. For now, I'd suggest to the OP and anyone else having that problem to stick with Summoner Trials. Just hope you can pull some more 3 and 4 stars from the shards you earn.

    The recent changes to the arena system were meant to make it easier to get the champs you want. This did not happen whatsoever. The old arena system was impossible to win unless you were a veteran with an insane roster, a guy with nothing to do for three days, or a big spender. Many don't fit into those categories, so they tried making things easier. Summoner Trials helped out the new players, and the added arena for older champs helped out the rest of us who didn't fit into those previously mentioned categories. After all, adding another 4* arena into the mix would reduce the time required to win whatever you're going for by one-half, right? Wrong. Many of us who didn't used to fit into those three categories had given up on arena long ago. We all knew we had no chance at getting in the top 10%, so why try? This second 4* arena brought many of those players back into the mix. The re-addition of these players just held the cutoff for these champs at about the same place it used to be. It still takes relatively the same amount of time, money, and roster power to be competitive in arena. Every once in awhile, you'll get some champ that few people go for, so you'll have a super low cutoff like Winter Soldier had. But, for the most part, the problem that most players couldn't compete in arena was not resolved. Adding another arena option also brought more players, which just held the cutoffs too high for the average user. The only way to truly solve this issue is to put in some better bracketing systems instead of more arenas. More arenas result in more players. Unless there's going to be like 10 arenas, which is way too easy, the extra players just negate the use of the new arena. I know, bracketing is hard to program and explain, but it needs to happen. The problem isn't going away with this new system. The average player can't get the champ they want any easier than before. We just have to wander the forums, asking and hoping about champs having low cutoffs.

    To clarify that huge wall of text at the bottom:

    There is supply and demand. There used to be one arena for 4*s. That's the "supply". There was a set number of players who would try for the champ. That's the "demand". The "supply" increased. Now, due to more options of "supply" and a seemingly higher chance to succeed, the "demand" has been raised as well. They've pretty much raised the same amount, so there's not really any difference from the old system. The supply and demand are the same again. Brackets are an obvious solution. Just split people up randomly into two groups. That alone would chop the cutoffs in half. Then, some tweaking to the reward system would bump that up to a more realistic standard for cutoffs.
  • Lloyd_NabbitLloyd_Nabbit Member Posts: 24
    AlexD2102 wrote: »
    In my opinion, the arena system is broken. It favors the players with the most champions and the most time on their hands. I have a decent roster, but I had no chance of getting Punisher in the recent arena, because even if i grinded for a full 72 hours, I wouldn't have been able to get enough points without spending units/money. Kabam should change the arena system so that players are put into brackets based on their total hero rating and number of heroes, that way players could play against players at their own level, and thus have a greater chance of obtaining a featured hero. They could also decrease the number of players who get the featured champ to balance it all out. This would make the arena more skill based, and players of all levels would have an equal opportunity to obtain a hero that they want. If you agree with me, disagree with me, or have any suggestions, then please leave them down below and hopefully, Kabam will correct this issue and arena will be better for all of us.

    Uhh they doubled the size like 3 months ago
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    VTA92 wrote: »
    LoPresti wrote: »
    They should put a time limit on how long you can play Arena per day (like 4 hours?), so people can play at the time that's most convenient for them without sacrificing their social life and work hours.

    Out of all the lame arena change suggestions there have been this has to be the worst. It is not difficult to maintain a full time job, family, and social life and still grind. I do it every week.

    Yeah, so do I. It's so easy to grind but still have a life lol these guys don't get it. Just be happy with getting the top 80% rewards and you'll be fine.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Virux wrote: »
    This is usually a "new guy" rant. I started doing arenas in the old system. I would grind for the featured three star every arena... Twice. I used my two and three star Champs and upgraded them accordingly. My first ever four star basic to go for was the last arena (I believe) in the old system. I got a Deadpool x force with 3.3m, the most I had ever done up to that point. It took me 6 or so months to get to that point. You just need to play and get the Champs you can.

    Arena is how people try to get champs. If you don't have champs, you can't do arena. It's an endless cycle that doesn't work unless you spend tons of money, do nothing but grind for 3 days, or have an insanely large roster. That doesn't include most players.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    The only improvement to the arena that is needed is to get the schedule of old basic champ arena in line with the new featured champ arena. The whole WS and CW threw off the schedule and now we have Howard the Duck with Punisher 2099.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Comments like "improve your roster" (which is exactly what the OP is trying to do) or "git gud" aren't useful and add nothing to the conversation. It is disappointing that we still see comments like this instead of healthy debate.

    I am constantly puzzled why Kabam makes it so difficult to earn new champions and to level them up.The rewards in most areas of the game seem paltry compared to the amount of time and effort it takes to earn them. Many times, the rewards for getting higher tier shards or catalysts can only be earned by the players who already have a lot of higher tier, leveled up champions to begin with. It keeps newer players trapped playing in areas of the game that earn them next to nothing.

    The arenas are supposed to be a way to earn champions, but it can be next to impossible to earn enough points to get them. I know plenty of players who spend days grinding through the arenas and still miss the cutoff. For me personally, I don't even bother. I find the arenas to be extremely boring and repetitive, but making the arenas more fun is a different topic.

    I think the way to make the arenas better is to create a cutoff that earns you a guaranteed champion. The ranked rewards would earn you a higher level of the champion. For example, the cutoff for a basic 4* champion could be 2 million. The top 30-40% would get that champion with a 2/5 level. The top 11-29% would get that champion with a 3/5 level. The top 2-10% would get that champion with a 4/5 level. And the top 1% would get that champion with a 5/5 level. That way, people who grind through the arenas still come away with something, while people who put in the extra effort can earn a chance to get a champion that is already leveled up, which saves them the time and effort of doing that later.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Comments like "improve your roster" (which is exactly what the OP is trying to do) or "git gud" aren't useful and add nothing to the conversation. It is disappointing that we still see comments like this instead of healthy debate.

    I am constantly puzzled why Kabam makes it so difficult to earn new champions and to level them up.The rewards in most areas of the game seem paltry compared to the amount of time and effort it takes to earn them. Many times, the rewards for getting higher tier shards or catalysts can only be earned by the players who already have a lot of higher tier, leveled up champions to begin with. It keeps newer players trapped playing in areas of the game that earn them next to nothing.

    The arenas are supposed to be a way to earn champions, but it can be next to impossible to earn enough points to get them. I know plenty of players who spend days grinding through the arenas and still miss the cutoff. For me personally, I don't even bother. I find the arenas to be extremely boring and repetitive, but making the arenas more fun is a different topic.

    I think the way to make the arenas better is to create a cutoff that earns you a guaranteed champion. The ranked rewards would earn you a higher level of the champion. For example, the cutoff for a basic 4* champion could be 2 million. The top 30-40% would get that champion with a 2/5 level. The top 11-29% would get that champion with a 3/5 level. The top 2-10% would get that champion with a 4/5 level. And the top 1% would get that champion with a 5/5 level. That way, people who grind through the arenas still come away with something, while people who put in the extra effort can earn a chance to get a champion that is already leveled up, which saves them the time and effort of doing that later.

    Did you find my post accurate?
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Comments like "improve your roster" (which is exactly what the OP is trying to do) or "git gud" aren't useful and add nothing to the conversation. It is disappointing that we still see comments like this instead of healthy debate.

    I am constantly puzzled why Kabam makes it so difficult to earn new champions and to level them up.The rewards in most areas of the game seem paltry compared to the amount of time and effort it takes to earn them. Many times, the rewards for getting higher tier shards or catalysts can only be earned by the players who already have a lot of higher tier, leveled up champions to begin with. It keeps newer players trapped playing in areas of the game that earn them next to nothing.

    The arenas are supposed to be a way to earn champions, but it can be next to impossible to earn enough points to get them. I know plenty of players who spend days grinding through the arenas and still miss the cutoff. For me personally, I don't even bother. I find the arenas to be extremely boring and repetitive, but making the arenas more fun is a different topic.

    I think the way to make the arenas better is to create a cutoff that earns you a guaranteed champion. The ranked rewards would earn you a higher level of the champion. For example, the cutoff for a basic 4* champion could be 2 million. The top 30-40% would get that champion with a 2/5 level. The top 11-29% would get that champion with a 3/5 level. The top 2-10% would get that champion with a 4/5 level. And the top 1% would get that champion with a 5/5 level. That way, people who grind through the arenas still come away with something, while people who put in the extra effort can earn a chance to get a champion that is already leveled up, which saves them the time and effort of doing that later.

    Did you find my post accurate?

    Don't take this the wrong way but not every thread is about you...
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,443 ★★★★
    @op I agree with the majority on the 4 star arenas. Yes scores are insane. Some people have no lives or don't mind hiring mercs. To each their own. Whatever. I do agree with you in only one way. 3 star arena for featured does need revamped. 1.5 million minimum for a featured. This is not a good game plan to stay afloat kabam. You want new players to come in and stay. It takes them a minimum of 6 months to have a roster if they are hardcore players to have even a roster to attempt to run 4 star arenas seriously. In the meantime you lose them because the bar is set way too high in the 3 star arenas to even grow as a player into getting 4 stars and growing their rosters. So I guess milk the whale and watch the game fail.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    @op I agree with the majority on the 4 star arenas. Yes scores are insane. Some people have no lives or don't mind hiring mercs. To each their own. Whatever. I do agree with you in only one way. 3 star arena for featured does need revamped. 1.5 million minimum for a featured. This is not a good game plan to stay afloat kabam. You want new players to come in and stay. It takes them a minimum of 6 months to have a roster if they are hardcore players to have even a roster to attempt to run 4 star arenas seriously. In the meantime you lose them because the bar is set way too high in the 3 star arenas to even grow as a player into getting 4 stars and growing their rosters. So I guess milk the whale and watch the game fail.

    I never hired a merc to grind my champs... I have been playing for nearly 2 years and most my champs were won from arenas. NEVER go for the featured! Even with a health roster, it is a grind fest. The secret to building a roster is simply go for the Basic champ. Outside of the newer champs that haven't been featured as a basic yet, I have every 4* champ released except for Capt WWII and IM.

    Did I spend time to due such? Yes. But the developer should change the structure because some are not willing to grind. Every basic champ has 10-12k winners in the 1-10% bracket. And not everyone of them needs intense grinding.

    Also, to all those that say post about building a roster is not a valid point, it is. Having a healthy roster decreases the amount of units and time necessary to grind the arena.

    The scores aren't insane... anyone who says so hasn't really looked at the data. Featured champs have ALWAYS been 7-16mil to win. And pretty much still are depending on how new or desired the champ is.

    However, the separation of the basic from the featured has made the basic champ easier to get. Here are the scores pre-new arena format:

    Here are basic scores after the current format was adopted:

    The old format had most basic champs going for 3-4 mil, because everyone was seriously grinding for the featured. Nowadays it is 2-3 mil, with only being 4-5 (rarely 6) for highly desired champs.

    The real issue from anyone stating that the arenas are too hard, simply doesn't want to put in the time to get the champ for FREE. It is of no one's fault save the person unwilling to spend the time grinding. 2-3 mil is super easy to grind out. It may take several hours with only a few 3*... I know, I have been there. But as you keep winning 4* basics, you will decrease the grind. Once I hit 20-30 basic 4*, I was able to grind non-stop without having to wait for champs to recover stamina (with a healthy 3* roster).

    The biggest issue is the removal of the 3* version of the featured champ that you won with the basic champ in the old format. You use to win 2 champs for grinding by placing in the basic arena. You now only get 1.

    The people saying improve your roster are correct, it is just not what you want to hear...
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    The actual secret to a healthy roster is simply get more crystals, spin them, and get more heroes. It is a lot easier if you are part of an alliance, a lot easier.

    That's how we non-grinders do it.

    No need to grind for featured or basic.

    The arenas are for players that want to compete, not for people who simply want to click a few buttons and chill.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★

    Those Rewards already exist, and they're geared towards helping people build Rosters to compete better. I wasn't implying that people don't deserve Rewards. Just stating that it's a contest. Champs go to those that put enough Points up. It's by definition a competition with varying requirements. The argument was about not being able to compete with others who were putting up enough Points. That's not entirely true with effort and progression. It takes time.

    Those rewards are milestones which obviously requires no competition of any kind. Just click, swipe, and tap your way to another hero, most likely another 2-star dupe. It is completely independent of what other players do and therefore decidedly not a "competition with varying requirements".

    In any event, it is not true that with enough "effort and progression" a player can be competitive. It is like saying that given enough training, I can compete with Usain Bolt in the 100 meter race. Bolt can give me a 95 meter running head start, he'd still kick my ass while running backwards and eating a snickers bar.

    What the OP is saying is that many people do not have the roster ("training") or time ("genetics") to compete with the Usain Bolts of the MCOC world.

    I say, who cares.

    I don't lose any sleep because Bolt can beat me in a race. I don't lose any sleep because 800 people can beat me in the 4-star arena (or any other arena).

    Let's call it like it is: Too many people are sore losers ( ).

    But this is MCOC, we also have people who are just plain lazy and want to reap the rewards while spending little or no effort. They are not really sore losers but they hide behind them.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Noobeeus wrote: »
    Comments like "improve your roster" (which is exactly what the OP is trying to do) or "git gud" aren't useful and add nothing to the conversation. It is disappointing that we still see comments like this instead of healthy debate.

    I am constantly puzzled why Kabam makes it so difficult to earn new champions and to level them up.The rewards in most areas of the game seem paltry compared to the amount of time and effort it takes to earn them. Many times, the rewards for getting higher tier shards or catalysts can only be earned by the players who already have a lot of higher tier, leveled up champions to begin with. It keeps newer players trapped playing in areas of the game that earn them next to nothing.

    The arenas are supposed to be a way to earn champions, but it can be next to impossible to earn enough points to get them. I know plenty of players who spend days grinding through the arenas and still miss the cutoff. For me personally, I don't even bother. I find the arenas to be extremely boring and repetitive, but making the arenas more fun is a different topic.

    I think the way to make the arenas better is to create a cutoff that earns you a guaranteed champion. The ranked rewards would earn you a higher level of the champion. For example, the cutoff for a basic 4* champion could be 2 million. The top 30-40% would get that champion with a 2/5 level. The top 11-29% would get that champion with a 3/5 level. The top 2-10% would get that champion with a 4/5 level. And the top 1% would get that champion with a 5/5 level. That way, people who grind through the arenas still come away with something, while people who put in the extra effort can earn a chance to get a champion that is already leveled up, which saves them the time and effort of doing that later.

    Did you find my post accurate?

    Don't take this the wrong way but not every thread is about you...

    Um, I asked a question. But okay, I'm selfish because I tried to help the OP and asked someone who seemed to agree with me if they thought I was right.
  • KnobyKnoby Member Posts: 61
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Would love a auto fight option on arena

    Agree. You'd lose a few more but save so much time.

    Cause let's be honest, combat is pretty repetitive as it's still pretty basic compared to real console fighters which I could grind for hours cause they're so much fun and more challenging
    Or even posting on this forum thinking about how to improve the game, as that sparks the imagination and mind while pretty mindless swiping and tapping doesn't, least not for hours.
    It would be all good if half an hour a day grinds were being aimed at by devs. But they reward players who grind for insane hours a day way more. Arenas, you can't get anything without grinding for at least two hours a day. It's actually pretty mean to give players incentive to spend that much time on a single thing without making it at least worthwhile. Maybe adding an hour limit to arena fights per day would be an idea, but they wanna cash in, so probably no. It's just so ugly to see such a pretty game and concept with our fav ip be ruined by the most greedy form of capitalism.
    But it's the world and time we live in. And we support it. So can't really complain. Just don't play. But it's Marvel and a fighter and I have a soft spot for both.
    If it had online live fights in arena or Bluetooth local fights where you can find online players in proximity (not their exact spot tho) and then message them in games to meet up for a brawl, it would be the perfect solution as it would be more social and more challenging to fight real people instead of just npc. Would solve the grind problem too as it could be SR based like overwatch where skillful players who win a lot dominate players who fight but lose a lot.
    Mobile games are sadly the opposite of rewarding skill, they reward time and cash investments instead.

    It's just so frustrating. I love the game, I love Marvel and this has the best roster for marvel of probably all time.
    It's just so rough to play longer than half an hour a day without feeling burned out. After that even the cool animations can't fool me over the fact that the fighting is pretty damn similar even among different characters. There's a few strategy changes based on abilities, but not much actual manual skill involved in fighting apart from dodging enemy specials consisting of several moves, which is the most fun. Parry and evade is too easy. And on top of it there's not enough visual variation as would be needed to cover the lack of depth in the actual fighting and combo system.
  • KnobyKnoby Member Posts: 61
    I didn't wanna be negative anymore but that had to be said. Now go on about your days, I'm finished for now.
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