BUG - GHOST RIDER [More Information Needed]

Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
edited May 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
When activating Ghost Riders heavy attack, game is registering as a 'slide back' as opposed to heavy.

Doing the same thing I've been doing for years with the game, holding the right side of the screen without touching anything else.

Please fix ASAP. Need to severely delay to activate his Heavy and Regen, most fights I get 3-5 slide backs before it actually registers. Very costly.
Post edited by [Deleted User] on


  • M3chayoshiM3chayoshi Member Posts: 8
    I use ghost rider a lot and I've never encountered this bug it's either you, your device or your connection
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    I don't know if this is what you mean but I've noticed occasionally when using his heavy against a stunned opponent that the first hit will make contact, but then suddenly he's too far away for the rest of the heavy to do damage/grant the judgment. I'm usually right on top of my opponent as well.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    Hey OP, sorry to hear you're encountering a problem. We need a bit more info from you in order to investigate:

    - Device type
    - OS type
    - What game mode you're in when you're encountering this issue
    - What specific Champions you are fighting against, if possible

    We'll then get this info off to our QA team to see if they can reproduce the issue.
  • RafaelRafael Member Posts: 7
    I'm also having problems with GR... as said above, heavy attack only hits the first time on stunned enemies (happens all the time against Magik and Scarlet Witch, don't know about the others).

    In Alliance Quest, Life Steal heals one time every two hits. L3 isn't removing Judgments at all. Is it normal, like an AQ cap?
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    edited May 2017
    Hey ad0ra, its kasino7. Long time no talk.

    So, running iPhone 6, latest iOs update.

    This will happen in AW, AQ, and Arena. To reproduce, simply parry an enemy and immediately try to heavy. Result will be that Ghost Rider will slide back, despite doing nothing more than leaving thumb on right side of the screen.

    If I do a Parry --> M, it will work around it; likewise, if I Parry, and wait a second, then do the Heavy, it will work.

    It feels as though there is an excessive delay between parry and heavy interaction on this character.

    Enemies I have experienced against:
    Map 6 Cylcops (Blue Team) Node 26
    Map 6 Doctor Strange Node 45
    Map 6 Unstopp Colossus Node 49
    Map 6 Colossus Node 51
    Map 6 Cyclops (Blue Team) Node 63
    Map 6 Cyclops (Blue Team) Node 108
    AW Tier 1 Arch Angel Node 10
    AW Tier 1 Node 17 (Forgot enemy, sorry)

    Basically, I can replicate this error with ease simply by parrying, then holding heavy.

  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    To update:

    Now doing Parry --> M --> Heavy is not working, and causing Ghost Rider to slide back.

    Most recent enemy - Rocket Node 86, Map 5
  • LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Member Posts: 41
    To update:

    Now doing Parry --> M --> Heavy is not working, and causing Ghost Rider to slide back.

    Most recent enemy - Rocket Node 86, Map 5

    You shouldn't have told them your workaround, they must have seen it and patched the workaround.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Groot - 108 - AQ Map 5
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Mystic Symbioid - Node 80, Map 5. Took 6 parries, was unable to parry, then heavy. WAs unable to parry, M, Heavy. Had to risk it and throw the heavy in mid-combo when enemy wasnt parried. Holding middle of screen, versus right side of screen did nothing.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    AW - Tier 1 - Node 2 - Ultron

    **Note** unable to replicate via duel. Will need to record next AW when Ghost Rider is alive and/or in AQ. Can't do simple screen recording either, gotta rig something up.

    Am I seriously the only one who is being forceably slid back on Ghost Rider??
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    edited May 2017
    AW - Tier 1 - Node 2 - Ultron

    **Note** unable to replicate via duel. Will need to record next AW when Ghost Rider is alive and/or in AQ. Can't do simple screen recording either, gotta rig something up.

    Am I seriously the only one who is being forceably slid back on Ghost Rider??

    I've read your thread the past few days and decided to test this for myself, as I have an iPhone 7 Plus and have had some quirky things on other champs. I used him arenas and normal questing and didn't experience the slide back as you describe. When I parry and go straight to heavy the first hit slides me back a little bit to "create distance", but not enough that the rest misses. I definitely feel for you because it sucks to try to hit his heavy mid combo.
  • kconrad37kconrad37 Member Posts: 160 ★★
    I've experienced this on both iOS (latest) and Android (latest) - the technique is as he mentioned. Parry + Heavy = sometimes I get the slide back. It's happened to me in Arena, AQ, AW and Event Quests, against a whole range of champions.
  • Bearz_RuleBearz_Rule Member Posts: 47
    This happens to me as well. Generally, the judgement proves on the first hit, so I don't really notice, but I do slide back just the slightest bit.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Thanks for the extra information, everyone. We'll go ahead and see if we can reproduce this.
  • PmisiPmisi Member Posts: 14
    Szevasztok a 13.02 is kidob harcnál sokszor vagy be se adja csak rálépek a mezöre és kidob javitsátok kösz
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Does anyone have video of this issue happening that they could provide?
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Very hard to record myself playing as I use both hands to play.

    Just happened again on Yellow Panty Vision, Node 100, AQ Map 5

    0/14 attempts to do variations of parry + heavy, parry + M + heavy. Even timed in two heavys during enemies heavy, both of which didn't proc his regen.

    Fix responsiveness and interaction with unity so his heavy has same responsiveness of everyone else on the roster, please.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    I'll try and get video today.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Node #77 - AQ Map 5 - Psylocke

    Unable to parry + heavy, or parry + M + Heavy. In both instances, the moment you stop touching the screen, then hold the right side to apply the heavy, Ghost Rider will slide back. Additionally, same will occur when attempting to slide back, and hold attack (heavy) to time her to sldie into yours. You slide back twice.

  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Hey OP, sorry to hear you're encountering a problem. We need a bit more info from you in order to investigate:

    - Device type
    - OS type
    - What game mode you're in when you're encountering this issue
    - What specific Champions you are fighting against, if possible

    We'll then get this info off to our QA team to see if they can reproduce the issue.

    Same here

    -IPhone 6
    -Latest IOS
    -In all of them,
    -I remember against groot, Phoenix, Venom.

    It seems that if the ennemy pushes you further than usual (Big champs do that a lot) the end of the heavy will not touch the opponement, since the first hit pushes him backward, to much distance between them.
  • SonicEmpireSonicEmpire Member Posts: 83
    I've never encountered this problem and he's in every lineup I use.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Getting the issues with GR too...Iphone 6 Plus. I get slid back when I do my heavy missing most of the attacks and he also slides back randomly during combo.
  • Al2QAl2Q Member Posts: 66
    I am using an Iphone 6, latest iOS.
    GR misses the last few hits while doing a heavy attack.
    This case is the same in Arena and quests.

    It's difficult to make a video as its very random.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    iPhone 7+ and iPad Mini-4, latest iOS, latest mcoc build

    Really hoping this gets addressed soon... I need GR for AQ/AW offense but can't use him in this condition. I'll post vid today hopefully.
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    So did some testing. The "Holding Attack causing slide back" issue is experienced strictly on iPhone. Present on iPhone 6, and 5S (I don't have other devices to test on). Was not present on Son Tablet, fiance's Samsung, or LG G5. It appears to be rooted to an iOs and iOs interaction.

    The "I'm going to miss the third part of my heavy" issue, that is shared with the likes of Arch-Angel and a few other characters, is present on all devices.

    Having to work around these issues is problematic for what could be such a great champion otherwise. I look forward to the day this is fixed, so I can take my Ghost Rider off of the bench and put him into action. For the time being, he is far too costly of a champion to bring with me into AQ.
  • SniktmSniktm Member Posts: 7
    I am also experiencing this issue. I thought it was just me. Its def a bug, hes too far away to connect heavy on a parry sometimes. How is that possible? Please fix Kabam. Thanks xx
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    So did some testing. The "Holding Attack causing slide back" issue is experienced strictly on iPhone. Present on iPhone 6, and 5S (I don't have other devices to test on). Was not present on Son Tablet, fiance's Samsung, or LG G5. It appears to be rooted to an iOs and iOs interaction.

    The "I'm going to miss the third part of my heavy" issue, that is shared with the likes of Arch-Angel and a few other characters, is present on all devices.

    Having to work around these issues is problematic for what could be such a great champion otherwise. I look forward to the day this is fixed, so I can take my Ghost Rider off of the bench and put him into action. For the time being, he is far too costly of a champion to bring with me into AQ.

    Pretty sure it's ANY iOS device. Happens to me on my ipad mini-4 AND my iphone 7+
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    There's a damn bad adjustment finishing a combo with a light attack. The time for react (while the opponent is sliding backward) is very short and is almost impossible to parry or block after. In most of times I take a hit/combo on my face. In AW, death is a sure.
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2017
    A lot of this sounds like it's related to the collision/push back adjustment they made. I've seen a lot more complaints like this than complaints about champs being on top of one another

    "Fixed an issue where character models were able to get within each others colliders"
  • KnackyKnacky Member Posts: 135
    @Kabam Wolf Just happened to me in AQ as well. First I was fighting psylock did a double dash back yet she still hit me with her heavy attack, then twice in a row when using heavy attack the third hit missed luckily she didnt Ko me. Then it happened again in the next fight against cyclops, third hit in the heavy missed him he launched an L2 before the heavy animation was finished and Ko'd my GR -.-
    You should already have all my device information but here it is again,
    Sony xperia Z3, latest version of software and latest version of the game
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