R.I.P Nightcrawler AQ M5 miniboss?
Member, Content Creators Posts: 51 Content Creator
Am I wrong or since sentinels came up, we had only one week with NC as map 5 miniboss?? Maybe the players spend more potions fighting morningstar and green goblin, so they put nc aside?
Idk, just a randon though....
Idk, just a randon though....
Idk, just a random thought...
i know its randomly, but it is, at least, odd. Since I dont think we can have the same miniboss 2 weeks in a row, I think its 50/50 randomly selected chance the miniboss in the following week, but it could have a variable that would increase the chance of the one that was not the miniboss in the past 2 weeks.
The reason you think it's odd is because most people have trouble understanding how randomness works.
I know how randomness works. I pulled 2 5* vultures in 2 5* crystals yesterday and said to myself "wow, how rare this can be?" and moved on because its random and its how it works.
But come on dude! Of course it can happen, but I'm saying its odd its happening with the minboss that would require less itens used
You use items on map 5 minbosses?
c'mon man! Its not that hard to understand what I meant!