5* AG deal coming this week

I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that this deal will be coming in the next few days. So lets do our part to set the value for Kabam to know what's reasonable. I'm saying $100 for just the AG and for it to be a choice and not just a AG crystal like previously seen. That said I think it'll be 6K units and a crystal. Thoughts?
After all it's the "appreciation" month.
Non payer here, what are these deals you speak of?
Non payer here, what are these deals you speak of?[/quote]
O think he's talking about the deal turkey players got
And that's why they get away with daft ass prices, so never moan about deals again
people are spending tens of thousands of units in LOL to get 5* awakening.
People are spending that in LoL to get the extra 4 T2A much more than an AG. That AG is also generic so MASSIVE difference.
After they priced a 4* one for 100$, I doubt they'll put a 5* one for half the price