Will Kabam ever add this feature?!

I was originally part of an alliance that beta tested the war system. I thought this would be a quick link to your BG's base when it went public. Short story, it wasn't.
That tab has been there for a hella long time, any idea when Kabam will implement it? Or how that kind of game mode would play out for the community?
Whats funny is i believe Transformer Forge to Fight has base defense where you place your Autobots to protect the resources you gathered.
Haha halarious Kabam! This is genuine marketing!
Or just remove the whole tab
Interested to know what it actually was and what you had to do? Considering you beta tested it...
I think he means he was a part of the beta testing for war. The beta testing for war was pretty cool cause you got tier 1 rewards no matter if you won or lost, every match for weeks until it went live.
Oh...it's canceled?Ok nvm
I'm sure "bases" was probably meant to be what is in F2F, I have no idea why they never implemented it in this game, maybe it killed the performance of an already performance challenged game. Regardless, I think they could add different things under it, make some use out of it, maybe a gold, ISO, catalyst generating machine, similar in concept to what you see in the other marvel game.
I wouldn't mind seeing it used as a different method of obtaining cores for masteries.
Yeah the loyalty store is quite garbage especially with the loyalty cap, but a new feature that doesn't completely bug the game out and milk the whales is welcomed in my book. As you can tell I haven't welcomed much from Kabam...