AA and Maggie 'nerfs' make perfectly good sense!

FOR ONCE, the so-called 'nerfs' make excellent sense. Yes, you may legitimately be upset that you have received information previously that everything was working as intended and that it was not a bug, but as such the adjustments are great, make for more balanced champs, and are entirely logical. As to the latter, here is why:
That AA can no longer, and should not, be able to inflict his stun upon a stun immune enemy is entirely logical for that has nothing to do with AA's attributes (and hence does not constitute a '100% ability reduction of his stun ability), but rather with the attributes of the other champion, whether conferred by a node or not. If the champion you face is simply unable to be stunned, it does not matter how much you can stun, because it has nothing to do with you. It is that simple.
As to the outrage over the alleged Maggie nerf, pause and think about it. A continuous, de facto permanent, power lock? That is almost as ludicruous as a permanent stun lock. What's more, it makes perfectly good sense that your 100% chance to power steal 33% power cannot operate if the opponent has no power. You cannot take what does not exist. It is as simple as that.
Let's hope logic is applied to Mr. Unagi too within the near future, because, whilst it makes sense that danger sense reduces incoming damage or sometimes even permits you to escape it entirely, there is no logical explanation as to why something that reinforces Mr. Unagi's ability to detect danger should prevent the activation of other champions' abilities. Oh.. and btw.. Maggie? Not a dimensional being. Just sayin'.
That AA can no longer, and should not, be able to inflict his stun upon a stun immune enemy is entirely logical for that has nothing to do with AA's attributes (and hence does not constitute a '100% ability reduction of his stun ability), but rather with the attributes of the other champion, whether conferred by a node or not. If the champion you face is simply unable to be stunned, it does not matter how much you can stun, because it has nothing to do with you. It is that simple.
As to the outrage over the alleged Maggie nerf, pause and think about it. A continuous, de facto permanent, power lock? That is almost as ludicruous as a permanent stun lock. What's more, it makes perfectly good sense that your 100% chance to power steal 33% power cannot operate if the opponent has no power. You cannot take what does not exist. It is as simple as that.
Let's hope logic is applied to Mr. Unagi too within the near future, because, whilst it makes sense that danger sense reduces incoming damage or sometimes even permits you to escape it entirely, there is no logical explanation as to why something that reinforces Mr. Unagi's ability to detect danger should prevent the activation of other champions' abilities. Oh.. and btw.. Maggie? Not a dimensional being. Just sayin'.
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I tried him after updating last night, with his stun lo longer being passive it counts as a stun to limber effectively lessing the amount of parries you can get in a fight & making him considerably less useful for the end game content I ranked him up for.
Understand the problem before saying our concerns are meaningless.
If this remains unfixed, it's admission of a silent nerf, and they'll lose any credibility for any future incidents like these.
Not like they already lost credibility by excusing AA nerf with "false information".
It happened with 12.0 as well. Everyone agrees that the god tier champs were overpowered. But suddenly nerfing them right after selling rank up packages for real money was what made people really angry.
No? Didn't think so.
Did I bawl like a baby because my Maggie got nerfed? Nope. You are just crying your eyes out because you can no longer use an ability that never made sense. 😂
In fact, reading the ability description and understanding the ordinary meaning of the words utilised makes me clearly right, so yes, because it makes sense it does make me right. 🤣😂
Actually, if you go back and read the first paragraph of my post, you can see that I concede THAT point, i.e. that you may legitimately be upset because you have been misled or because the nerf was silent.
Actually, there is no such rule, but even if there had been, so what? Sue me then.
This. Maggie is probably the dumbest/worst nickname that anyone has come up with for a character in this game. Thankfully, no one except the OP currently/will ever call her that.
How kabam as a company has treated everyone is completely wrong.
Silent nerfs, going back on what a face of the company said just so they don't have to give RDT is disgusting.
Upvote to this guy i dont have but am very close to take mine r4, people should think 2wice before they talk about logic
This game is made by kabam and if even by mistake they give wrong info, thats ok it sometimes happen but people like losspik who suffered due to companys mistake are not supposed to be liable to suffer them.
AKA Blade
It's what the OP calls Blade,Also made a post on him,Gonna kill the whales lol
A silent nerf doesn't constitute a fix. It's been known for some time. AA was believed to be working as intended, which would constitute including it in the notes.