I have an issue with my Goldpool
So I opened some Pool’s Gold Crystals and for some reason Goldpool was not in them. I think he was hiding or just went invisible. Obviously there must have been some kind of mistake so can you please fix this for me asap. Thanks.
He is in there. The slide has nothing to do with what you actually get. Sorry bud
I got that.
Maybe you pulled Drax. Look really carefully, he could just be standing still.
....and the Award for Random and Unnecessary Dig goes to....
Why not say how many????
I opened 170.... got him after 120.....
No ticket....
Kinda wanna keep trying for a dupe.... lmao
So still.
One part not counting, one part embarrassment. XD
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.........one more time
Open 10.......................where's my units
Gotta say considering your past with most members on this forum I do not think you get to call any dig "random". Not necessarily saying it is deserved... more like... expected
When I'm not even engaged in a conversation with someone, that's random. Lol.
Just because I have different views doesn't mean I should expect it, really.
This is an open forum and anyone can jump in or reply to a post at any time. They don’t need to be “engaged in conversation” with you to do so. If you’d like a private conversation with someone, shoot them a PM and no one will randomly jump in on your convo.
You mean like you randomly jumped in to dispute me? Believe me, I could care less. I'm just calling it as I see it. When someone jumps in and makes a random, personal dig, that's what it is. Not related to the topic at all, for that matter. Just a dig. Nice try at condescension though.
There is no randomness of jumping in on an open forum where everyone is free to post and quote whomever they’d like. If you’re engaged in a conversation with someone else, anybody else should be able to chime in on the matter. If you think every reply to you is a dig on you then sounds like a personal problem.
Anyway back to topic, OP I’m in the same boat and got nothing but gold from 150 goldpool crystals. So yes if Kabam finds out they accidentally set your account RNG to 0 please let us know we might have the same problem
I'll encourage you to read the quote I responded to and tell me how that's chiming in on the matter. The topic is not about what gets past me. You're stretching for a response here.