Assassin assignments completion percentage bug [Merged threads]



  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Imagine if this bug made it so you can repeat the mission over and over again, a fix in 1ms LMFAOOO

    But it doesn't benefit the players so prob will be like this all month.
  • IncredibleJediIncredibleJedi Member Posts: 12
    Same issue here with the completion percentages and not getting rewards...
  • FugnastyFugnasty Member Posts: 115
    Same here, just completed a map and got no shards because the lanes didnt reset from last time.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,230 ★★★
    So 2 assignments in a row where it’s not fixed. What is happening over there.
  • EvbravenEvbraven Member Posts: 5
    Exactly, broken event. Can't get the prizes from this and can't generate the secondary Merc mission. They need to just shut it down, gift us the max prizes, and fix the code.
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Wasted energy on combatant assignment that's already done. ..also got zero rewards lol yay kabam. Stop adding so much at once to get people to spend so they can do everything....this might not happen
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Let's pretend its giving us 10x the rewards for they fix it really quick
  • DGCDGC Member Posts: 59
    Two in a row already completed fggfz9hzbhdr.jpg
  • Husky54Husky54 Member Posts: 244 ★★

    Can we fix this garbage already? This is the second master assignment in a row I can't get rewards from.
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Wheres emergency maintenance when we need it.
  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92
    Odd, we constantly have emergency maintenance, and now we could actually use it but it’s not happening. I, among others, are losing 5* shards when we can’t complete our assignments and can’t open the Merc Missions when our assignments are already “compete”.... Sure hope there’s amazing compensation for this...
  • KBelgarion001KBelgarion001 Member Posts: 28
    Come on Kabam, can we fix this bug yet? No one is getting rewards for missions already completed.
  • KBelgarion001KBelgarion001 Member Posts: 28
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    I'm not a big poster usually gow do attack a screenshot from my s8+
  • AthothtonAthothton Member Posts: 16
    Alliance members showed his reset to 0% this time, but mine still shows 100% after multiple force closes and reopens. So I just get screwed out of rewards again. I keep saying I'm going to quit, and this might just be the last straw finally. Just tired of broken non-working game.j301gqmnx0qf.jpg
  • JoelyyyJoelyyy Member Posts: 2
    I'm having the same issue. I just tried running the Master difficulty for this 'new' assignment and it gave me nothing but ISO. RIP.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    It's not like this is new programming. Stark assignments and tests of valor are all features that worked appropriately at the time of release. This is just the same stuff in a different wrapper.
  • Gwm83Gwm83 Member Posts: 72
    Yea...another damage for nothing champ....evade..take damage lol spend them units
  • PenumbrousPenumbrous Member Posts: 30
    Just tried to run quest and it shows the completion from yesterday so I can get any 5* or 4 * shard or trigger Merc mission.
  • Clarkkent1269Clarkkent1269 Member Posts: 10
    Still saying 100% completed.. this is the second one today...
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    My master assignment is still showing 100%. I thought maybe it was just a visual bug so I ran a line, I didn’t get any 5* shards.
  • BmanBman Member Posts: 241
    You guys are ridiculous!! Not 1 new quest, or new game mode that has been released in over 1yr has been even close to bug free. Every single thing u release is bugged beyonf belief!! I’m at the end of my rope with this game. Over 3.5yrs invested and I’m hanging on by a VERY THIN thread! Assassination assignments just came up, so I 100% Master. Got nothing but iso?!?! Get it together guys, seriously??? Because of yet ANOTHER BUG ON YOUR END players suffer repeatedly?? Like there aren’t 1000 other bugs already
  • Dax_JanielsDax_Janiels Member Posts: 16
    the Special Quest Combatant's Assignment doesn't reset for me either. is system info still helpful?
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    edited June 2018
    missed two in a row because of this... However some folks in the alliance are able to run them as usual... I didnt waste energy on running them either
  • Shocker84Shocker84 Member Posts: 2
    I've had the same problem all day long. Haven't been able to do any of these quests today.
  • SnurrisSnurris Member Posts: 434 ★★★
    Happens to me too. Haven’t been on forum much lately. Has Kabam adressed the issue?
  • Outsider75Outsider75 Member Posts: 61
    Same thing here, unable to do merc missions at all
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    Same. Great "fix" guys. Really working well.
  • ZADO1991ZADO1991 Member Posts: 109
    Where are the maintenances when u need em
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    Same. Master and Heroic missions still show up as 100% before I play them and I can't get the completion rewards.
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