Domino Undermines Existing Champs

There is a lot of talk about Domino going on. I think she is pretty cool and would love to have her. It's hard to say if she is OP quite yet or if she needs some getting used to. There is one thing I know for sure though. Creating a character like Domino completely undermines currently existing champs. Her bleed makes DPX look like a joke, and she has about a hundred abilities on top of her bleed. What does DPX have??? The ability to gain power after you let him get below 30% health?!? What a freakin joke. I can't stand Domino because of this fact. Kabam is making characters that have the exact same abilities as older champs but much more powerful and give them about a million other abilities on top of that. This CANNOT continue. It completely unbalances the game, something I thought Kabam was trying to avoid. I'm not hating on Domino, I just can't stand this new wave of champs that are getting abilities that make our old champs useless. On top of everything, these old champs get stuck in the 6* crystal.
It is like this in every free2play game, the developers becomes greedier and greedier until they reach where kabam is right now
Yeah apparently that is Kabams motto.
I'm not saying she's a better attacker than Blade, but my point is Domino gets a powerful bleed on her sp3 just like DPX, and she has so much more utility than DPX. She is a good example of how much better the newer champs have been compared to the older ones. I think the same could be said for Blade. I see these new champs widening the gap between the good and bad champs and I'm saying the older champs like DPX need an update for balance in the game.
This is exactly what I'm trying to point out. Many of the newer champs have abilities that overshadow older champs. I think that it is extremely important to give these old champs an update because in the game's state many of our old champs are unuseable. The worst part to me is that a lot of these old and unusable champs are stuck into the 6* crystal and honestly it's quite insulting to the player base.
Why u saying this now?? Why not before when kabam releasing cap iw, ironman iw. Do u know, how much damage can cap iw can do with sp2. And iron man iw, I hate to fight him. For me, domino still easier than iw irnmn.
Honestly I don't find cap IW that powerful. I understand IMIW is kind of ridiculous but I actually haven't faced him so I have no first hand experience. Also I don't frequent the forums too often so that's one reason I haven't brought anything up before now. My main point is that is that newer champs are making older champs more and more irrelevant and that is a problem.
I do have to say though that the whole “diversity”in aw and “nerfing” champions was to have people play all or many champs instead of select few tat r known very strong. Considering this in mind, kabam has to either improve somewhat old champions or create nodes that are exclusivelly better for older champions.
that whale is ruining the game for everyone. and honestly so is the 1%
I understand what you are saying and I have mixed feeling on the whole thing. Part of me enjoys seeing those crystal openings on YouTube, but the other part of me hates the amount of money that is being thrown at the newer champs that destroy our old favorites. I hate knowing that people who spend thousands on new champs are making it less and less likely for the older champs to get an update because that won't make any money for Kabam.