Champions Recovering from Hits Too Fast and BLOCKING

Hi all,
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? It appears to be new since the latest update. Essentially, enemies are recovering too quickly after being hit to block. This happened to me on two occasions so far as of last night when I first started noticing it:
1) Fighting in arena with CAP WWII versus CABLE. I got hit with the first shot of CABLE'S SP2 but was able to recover and block the rest, which shouldn't have happened.
2) I just fought Juggy on mini boss node 48 in ALLIANCE WAR. 5 times I got to SP1 and did a M-L-L-L-M combo and unleashed the 1st special prior to having my power drained and he recovered to block ALL 5 of them, even though I had just hit him with the medium and pressed the SP1 button immediately after contact, which has worked 100% of the time in the past with Hulk. How was it possible for Juggy to do this???
Both of these are considered VERSUS fights, right (AW and arena)? Could it be unique to that? I don't recall this happening in any of the event quest fights yet, but it may not have had a chance to occur.
Phone: Brand new Google Pixel 2 (Android Oreo 8.0)
Thanks very much in advance for your help on this!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? It appears to be new since the latest update. Essentially, enemies are recovering too quickly after being hit to block. This happened to me on two occasions so far as of last night when I first started noticing it:
1) Fighting in arena with CAP WWII versus CABLE. I got hit with the first shot of CABLE'S SP2 but was able to recover and block the rest, which shouldn't have happened.
2) I just fought Juggy on mini boss node 48 in ALLIANCE WAR. 5 times I got to SP1 and did a M-L-L-L-M combo and unleashed the 1st special prior to having my power drained and he recovered to block ALL 5 of them, even though I had just hit him with the medium and pressed the SP1 button immediately after contact, which has worked 100% of the time in the past with Hulk. How was it possible for Juggy to do this???
Both of these are considered VERSUS fights, right (AW and arena)? Could it be unique to that? I don't recall this happening in any of the event quest fights yet, but it may not have had a chance to occur.
Phone: Brand new Google Pixel 2 (Android Oreo 8.0)
Thanks very much in advance for your help on this!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
Why is our own special button input and inputs while blocking an AI combo being messed with?
I have proof of this if anyone or mod wants to say otherwise
Also, I've noticed since the update that the opponent can start a combo on me, but then I am able to successfully trigger a Parry out of it during the 3rd or 4th hit. However, on hit #1 of the AI attempted combo, my side of the screen records a successful Parry...yet the opponent keeps continuing their combo instead of being stunned, which is what should happen upon a successful Parry attempt. If you did not parry successfully, the screen should not prompt that you successfully Parried.
Good observations @Tiemilios ! You're a veteran skilled player. So this is helpful info!
The amount of time is based on the idea that you were hit by the very first one, and each subsequent hit will hit you just before the "stun" expires, so you can't recover at all. However, if you get hit by a projectile and you are further away then you would have been if you were hit by the initial attack eg. Cable's sp2 or Moon Knight's sp1, if you dash back as far as you can, the stun time is shorter than the time it takes for the next hit to reach you.
This is really evident with Moon Knight's sp1 because it's kick, projectile, kick, projectile. If you get hit by the first projectile and you're out of range of the next kick, then you'll recover in time to avoid the next projectile.
Does that make sense?
These happen to me as well exactly as described