
How many of you are taking a break this summer? Been grinding for 3 years feel like the game needs to catch up with the times. Love the game but just boring for end game players since the rewards haven't evolved unless you pay money for them.
I am retiring from the game after just over 2 yrs playing this game. There is nothing else to finish. I “officially” quit before Valentine’s Day after defeating 5.4.6 Ultron for the final time. 100% acts 1-5, 100% ROL and RTTL.
Your marvel license is great...after seeing the Infinity War movie I came back to see MCOC version and EQ was done quite well. I played out the EQ and I have been waiting since June 6th to rank up my final 5*.(I chose rogue to r3) week Kabam... just to get a single t1a...c’mon...I’m not going to join an alliance to get one, especially if I don’t plan to stay.
I’ve been an officer, I’ve kicked, I’ve been kicked. All the god tier champs I had to earn because I was free to play...I always grinded 3M more than needed for each champ...rogue, Gwenpool, iceman, archangel, Stark enhanced Spider-Man...damn near 18M for each for both magik, hawkeye...nothing for RTTL. The other god tier champs I got were AFTER I finished act 5 couldn’t even hook me up once. But that’s not why I’m quitting. By finishing all the content, I can finally get out of this game’s addictive grasp.
I officially retire my account right now...beta program in 3 days doesn’t count since we can’t save progression. So as far as my one and only account, I have done everything I set out to do.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit
Much more peaceful, less stressful, and not caught up. In all the kabam **** (excrement). And funny how I added the parentheses part and they uncensored the word before it.
I think the purpose of this, and any, game is to have fun. If you're not having fun, why play? And if you don't want to play, there is no need for speeches or proclamations. Just do something else.
I agree games are supposed to be fun. But when you feel like the game isn’t givin you a fare shake in certain instances, that dampens the enjoyment.
For me the burn out has been coming... the 18.1 release and the whole working as intended put it over the top. Once AW season is over, I'm going back to either solo playing or a mostly retired alliance since it is a good time waster.
AQ rewards havent caught up to AW rewards. Although id like to see Map7 soon, it isnt necessary to bump up the rewards a bit.
Unlike the initial intention of making map6 needing to be planned ahead in terms of donation accumulation needed to open the map...too many alliances actually played map6. In my opinion, map6 wasnt hard enough or map cost wasnt well thought.
It's a game, people. If you don't want to spend a dime, you don't have to. You don't have to join an alliance. You don't have to participate in the special events. You don't have to do the monthly events. Arena. Boss Rushes. Challenges. Acts I-V.
You don't have to do any of this stuff.
The fear of falling behind, the desire to have every character, the desire to have every character ranked up, the desire to complete everything 100 percent...I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but folks, that is a "you" thing.
Whether this game lasts 20 more years or shuts down tomorrow, the answer is gonna be the same: Nobody made anyone do anything in this game, and if you feel like you "had" to do something, that's reason for you to look at yourself, not anyone else. Because life is all about the decisions you make, and the sooner folks understand that, the easier life becomes
We are now 12 players, most of us been playing together for over 2,5 years. Used to be map5 tier 3 AW players before 12.0, some stuck around in higher alliances longer, but we got back together. I personally just sold out my account and rage quit at 12.0, but started a new account in October.
If endings is something you value, you should play single player games, not multiplayer ones.
Exactly, instead of Kabam having legendary events that pop up once or twice a year where you can get a legendary 2,3,4,5,6* champ like Thanos, Kang, OG Vision, Deadpool, but you have to build specific team/factions to be able to fight for them. We get monotonous grinding and faulty servers and suspect RNG.