Chat Censor

Is the Chat Censor for Ally and PM's an intentional change, or a glitch? It's quite annoying. Random words are censored as well as swearing. If it's intentional, I could see the reasoning. Although my Ally is completely adult. None of whom speak Hashtagonese. I'm just wondering of it's a new change so I can let my guys know, or a glitch. The censor is quite tight, and it's rather annoying. Not sure the purpose of censoring PM's, since it's up to our own discretion. Not that I'm protesting anything. Just wondering why the change.
In any event, any information would help clarify confusion. Thanks.
In any event, any information would help clarify confusion. Thanks.
LOL. Listen, I'm not campaigning. I can understand the logic if it was an intentional change. There are all ages that play. I'm just wondering if it's supposed to be censored or not. Personally, I feel it would be best if it were up to the individual Ally to be classified as "Adult" and turn it off. I'm just not that bothered by it to push that. I'm just trying to find out why our conversation is full of ###########.
It's not just with swearing. Random things are censored as well. Although if it is intended, I can give my guys a heads up so they don't get frustrated.
I was censored when I said our last War Opponent had very few KO's. Lol.
-Every single time
No, now it just censors the entire line. One word and all that comes across is ########.
There's been some threads on it, and not to long ago the word password triggered the # for the whole message for me.
I think they said that they're looking into it or something
Oh ok. At least they're aware. Thanks.
is watching
Once I was censored saying a normal phrase in the Alliance chat and I never knew why.
Kabam needs to improve this, I'm not sure if the alliance chat is infected or not but in Transformers Forged to Fight it does
Also friend chat is also infected with #######
I get flagged for making an inoffensive joke
I get flagged for telling my opinion
I get flagged for thinking of an idea
I get flagged for everything I do
Yeah. I hear you. It's just trolling. Have a look at my Profile sometime. If you read the Flags it's pretty hilarious. Apparently adult conversation is not possible. Lol.
Jokes and opinions are also impossible for PC people, trollers and @ssholes
Perhaps. I seem to be the general target for a few. The stats speak for themselves. All it does is display that the metric will be abused as long as they keep it. I respect their reasons for having it. I just saw it coming a mile away.
I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't care, why do you keep talking about it? Why don't you ignore it? You're just spamming "I don't care." and "Lol." all the time now.
And yeah, the chat is to heavily censored.
I most definitely did read it. I took into account that this isn't your first thread complaining about the chat censor. I happen to remember the content of the first thread.
But all that showed up was #############
Then perhaps you need to read it again. It's about the Ally and PM Chat being censored for random words, and in general. It has nothing to do with the word "gay". If it did, I would indicate that. I'm not one to be indirect.
That's not the topic of this Thread.
Your first thread was very direct and it didn't go so well so that's why I'm asking. Just a question