While I'm sure all want master rewards, it would unbalance the game if everybody got the rewards. Also since most of the cheating happened in upper tiers, why should the lower tiers be rewarded for an event that didn't affect them?
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
Account sharing is always optional. If you dont want to do it then dont agree to it and find a different alliance that doesnt require it. He got what he deserved.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
No, because anyone who cheats should be banned and their alliance reduced to zero points for the season. The fact that this simple fix isn’t happening is appalling.
Guys below top 150 gold 1 this doesn't even affect you
lol even if it did affect them they have a right for the gripe as it affects the game's future. Now let the people speak... if the allaince in question gets master rewards.... expect a blow up... i guess we'll see what Marvel thinks of handing our their license to Kaban if they allow cheaters. If it's proven that is what occured.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
I’d rather they just ban anyone caught cheating from anything alliance related for a week - a month.
Makes it easier for officers/leaders to find out who was cheating in their alliance too (applies to lower level groups in which piloting isn’t necessary)
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
he knew the consequnces. What he spent means nothing.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
he knew the consequnces. What he spent means nothing.
Not every crime deserves the death sentence 🙄
The biggest problem with the game is that the punishments aren’t suiting the crime. That’s what everyone is asking for.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
he knew the consequnces. What he spent means nothing.
Not every crime deserves the death sentence 🙄
The biggest problem with the game is that the punishments aren’t suiting the crime. That’s what everyone is asking for.
He cheated for an entire season then threw the people helping him under the bus. Sounds.to me he got what he deserved..
Now ban the rest.of.them
They certainly deserve to get a season ban I’m just saying account sabotage like that is pretty low not that he didn’t “have it coming”
Lol season ban no stop being weak. Full deletion of the accts
Man if they torch the whale alliances the game will die. The world isn’t fair money talks, I would still like to play the game not burn it to the ground 🤦♂️ this is a stupid suggestion.
Clipping them for full season rewards would be pretty severe imo that’s what I would like to see. If Kabam doesn’t want to do that then bump everyone up a tier of rewards and then we won’t all have the feeling that we got shafted.
If Kabam won’t punish cheaters appropriately they could at least give everyone else the rewards necessary to do any single player content without any problem.
Lol season ban no stop being weak. Full deletion of the accts
Man if they torch the whale alliances the game will die. The world isn’t fair money talks, I would still like to play the game not burn it to the ground 🤦♂️ this is a stupid suggestion.
okay so i missed it in the FAQs where you if u spend a certain amount of money you immune from perma bans. Say you partially ban these guys.... you're out of ur mind if u think they won't continue cheating. they dont know how to get ahead any other way. Eventually Kabam will need to end them.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
if he didn't want his account ruined he should not have cheated in the first place god this sounds like someone that uses a moded apk gets caught then comes on here and tries to get unbanned
Lol season ban no stop being weak. Full deletion of the accts
Man if they torch the whale alliances the game will die. The world isn’t fair money talks, I would still like to play the game not burn it to the ground 🤦♂️ this is a stupid suggestion.
okay so i missed it in the FAQs where you if u spend a certain amount of money you immune from perma bans. Say you partially ban these guys.... you're out of ur mind if u think they won't continue cheating. they dont know how to get ahead any other way. Eventually Kabam will need to end them.
It matters not if you are a whale or a free-to-play player. If you are caught cheating you should be banned. No ifs, ands or buts about it. PERIOD.
Just curious how the ones that must not be named 🙄 are still hanging onto a top spot. The account sabotage on pants alone is call for a serious sanction. But wow talk about some all talk no walk by the company. We’re talking about MARVEL the biggest entertainment brand in the world today they shouldn’t be bough so cheaply.
The acct sabotage on mr pants could have been avoided tho if he didnt share. I cant feel sympathy there..
That said the un nameable allaince should be disbanded and accts banned
This is wrong account sharing was not optional for that group. The guy said he was in for 50k and the company wouldn’t fix it for him that’s pretty weak customer service and no justice at all for the guy who wiped him 🤦♂️
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
if he didn't want his account ruined he should not have cheated in the first place god this sounds like someone that uses a moded apk gets caught then comes on here and tries to get unbanned
That's it. Short of a gun to someone's head, everything is a choice. The only way to stay as secure as possible is not give your info out.
Man you guys are totally extra, welcome to capitalism the whales get preferential treatment in every freemium game ever. I’m certainly not one of them but that’s the way it is. I would just like to see increased rewards so I don’t feel like me and my crew got shafted because we played clean. I could care less what they do with their meal ticket in that case.
Account sharing is always optional. If you dont want to do it then dont agree to it and find a different alliance that doesnt require it. He got what he deserved.
The rampant cheating has degraded the integrity of the game quite a bit. Don’t spend your money until they make amends if the cheating bothers you
plz he did nothing wrong the vote is private he didnt call anyone out.
fun fact if u don't give ur account info away like ur supposed to doo in the first place then things like this wouldn't happen maby don't cheat if u can't deal with the consequences
Should let everyone speak their mind
No, because anyone who cheats should be banned and their alliance reduced to zero points for the season. The fact that this simple fix isn’t happening is appalling.
lol even if it did affect them they have a right for the gripe as it affects the game's future. Now let the people speak... if the allaince in question gets master rewards.... expect a blow up... i guess we'll see what Marvel thinks of handing our their license to Kaban if they allow cheaters. If it's proven that is what occured.
Yeah you don’t have to believe me but I have never shared my account ever (in over 3 years) but just about everyone else I’ve played with probably has at some point. Dude was in that ally for a long time the sharing was commonplace for a while, he was a top spender he doesn’t deserve to have his account ruined like that imo.
Makes it easier for officers/leaders to find out who was cheating in their alliance too (applies to lower level groups in which piloting isn’t necessary)
he knew the consequnces. What he spent means nothing.
Not every crime deserves the death sentence 🙄
The biggest problem with the game is that the punishments aren’t suiting the crime. That’s what everyone is asking for.
They certainly deserve to get a season ban I’m just saying account sabotage like that is pretty low not that he didn’t “have it coming”
Man if they torch the whale alliances the game will die. The world isn’t fair money talks, I would still like to play the game not burn it to the ground 🤦♂️ this is a stupid suggestion.
Clipping them for full season rewards would be pretty severe imo that’s what I would like to see. If Kabam doesn’t want to do that then bump everyone up a tier of rewards and then we won’t all have the feeling that we got shafted.
okay so i missed it in the FAQs where you if u spend a certain amount of money you immune from perma bans. Say you partially ban these guys.... you're out of ur mind if u think they won't continue cheating. they dont know how to get ahead any other way. Eventually Kabam will need to end them.
if he didn't want his account ruined he should not have cheated in the first place god this sounds like someone that uses a moded apk gets caught then comes on here and tries to get unbanned
It matters not if you are a whale or a free-to-play player. If you are caught cheating you should be banned. No ifs, ands or buts about it. PERIOD.
That's it. Short of a gun to someone's head, everything is a choice. The only way to stay as secure as possible is not give your info out.
@EvilEmpire That's all that needs to be said