About people quitting...
I understand the frustration of AW, diversity, lack of resources, etc that are plaguing the boards. However can we gain some perspective on the topic of players quitting. Many say that players are quitting because of this, or quitting because of that. OK news flash - of course they are! Why? Playability? Maybe, maybe not. No one has any actual #'s of course but here is something to keep in mind- there are 50 million downloads of the game on Google Play, Im not sure about Itunes but lets assume 40 million there. So about 90 mill since the end of 2014. Thats about 70,000 A DAY. Some are duplicates of course, but there are web estimates that there are only 1.5-2 mill active users. My point finally is that you cant expect players to play forever, even in the most well managed games. Players come and go for different reasons, and this game "loses" THOUSANDS OF ACCOUNTS A DAY. So can everyone calm down about people leaving? Its just the nature of EVERY GAME EVER. whew, I feel better now.
The problem with this approach, rant, or whatever your post is, is that it doesn’t focus on the clear issues and problems. Certainly there will be natural attrition over time. However, people quitting for good reasons who would otherwise stay is a problem for the game and the community.
There are plenty of problems to fix and when war seasons gets a massive change that is seen as a cash grab that is no good.
I know, there are plenty of posts focusing on the clear issues and problems, most of which I agree.
After the AQ Sentinel scenario - my previous Alliance fell apart, 4-5 people quitted the game. How do I know they quitted for real? Bcos they STOPPED playing MCoC, no longer login, and quitted LINE Chat.
After the AW season 2 end - I had a few MCoC friends quitted the game too, they are still in my LINE is friend, but quitted MCoC.
At least I'm glad the alliance didn't fall apart this round.
I'm also glad I'm no longer required to revive starting AW season 3 per alliance direction!
But sad to continue loosing active and great friends from MCoC.